Monday, March 2, 2009

Dropped the med

Saturday night we decided that enough is enough and dropped the Diamox. I could eat nothing but a little jello now and then and was just miserable. I took it in November for a month and could not overcome the nausea, either, and anti-nausea meds do nothing. So I was miserable until Sunday night, then was able to eat a meal. So I guess I didn't make it a week but we all decided it just wasn't worth it.

Ironically the headache settled down a bit Sunday evening even though the diamox was probably out of my system by then. It has been more tolerable today but it is gaining intensity. So I don't know if it was starting to help but I guess the choice between headache & nausea or just headache wasn't too hard.

We are seriously considering the second shunt, although another surgery is daunting to me. You would think after 4 surgeries in about a year, another wouldn't be a big deal. However, I am weakening more and more each time and that makes it harder and harder to recover each time. I don't even know who I am anymore when I look in the mirror--but that doesn't really matter if I can just get better.


Anonymous said...

Cindy - Praying for your relief, for comfort, peace, patience, and understanding.

Anonymous said...


My heart breaks for you! Now I am praying for you to regain some much needed strength. Maybe I will just cook up some high calorie meals and start bringing them over! We need to fatten you up! Unfortunately those are the last words someone would say to me right now! Oh well!


Carey said...

Hang in there, hon! Hang in there...hold on tight.

Anonymous said...

Thinking and holding you and your family up in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Cindy-So sorry to read that healing doesn't progress for you, but we will keep praying for better days! We are so impressed with your pro-active efforts..don't give up!