Thursday, December 31, 2009

New years eve

Another week has passed. The holiday season has been wonderful and difficult. It is so good to be able to participate but it has been too much for me. Between the storms coming through and just too much going on, I haven't been feeling so great at all. I've really tried to behave and not do to much but it seems that just having the activity going on around me is still too much. Hopefully as things start settling down I will start feeling a little better again. As usual, it is a little unnerving to have my head hurting a little more and the ringing in my ears is louder and constant.

This morning we went out for breakfast with Kyle's parents before work, which was so nice! Then the kids went to Karleen's house where they will stay overnight tonight. We will drive down to get them tomorrow. I have really needed some quiet time and am trying to relax now and hopefully that will help things a bit.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost Christmas Eve

It has been so fun to receive cards from people near and far and catching up with families that I don't hear from during the rest of the year. Thank you for your beautiful cards and pictures and I especially enjoy the Christmas letters we receive.

This has certainly been the best holiday season that I have experienced the last few years, but this huge storm has been a little hard on me. An enormous storm that is supposedly going to be the worst we've had for 25 years is striking now. I have been feeling it coming for a few days and I am starting to think that our retirement years will definitely have to be in a climate that doesn't have much weather change. Arizona maybe? Fun to dream but not so realistic at this point. But when I hear that we are supposed to have 20" of snow from this storm, Arizona does sound very attractive.

We pray that the Lord bless each of you this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of the child of God. Sometimes we say that so glibly, yet how amazing it is! Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another milestone

I finally had the opportunity to go to a movie last night. What a treat! I haven't been able to do that for a few years, so it was enjoyable and another sense of accomplishment. Our kids also had their Christmas program tonight, and it was so awesome to be there. I can't remember if I was able to go last year but I am guessing I missed it since it would have been a short time after my first & second shunt surgery. My memory still isn't so great for periods of time through the last year.

Also, after a bit of stress about Christmas coming without all my shopping done, my mom and sister took me shopping Friday afternoon and I got that finished up. I had done most of my shopping online, but there were a few things that I needed to actually shop for. I enjoyed getting out to shop and it was so nice to get things done.

This has been a pretty good week for me overall. Friday my headache was a little worse and I would guess that was because of the storm coming in. Of course, it fell on the day that I went shopping, but it all worked out ok. I am so thankful that I am doing as well as I am. This is the best that I have been over the holiday season for a few year, and I am enjoying each moment.!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Post #259 ( I can't believe we've written this often!)

A lot has happened since a year ago today I had what we once again thought would be the surgery to end all surgeries. Good thing we didn't know that it was only the start of quite a string of surgeries. Today is the anniversary of my first shunt surgery. Hard to imagine. It has been a tough year.

That being said, we have been blessed in ways that we never would have had we not had this year. This weekend Kyle's family surprised us with many frozen meals, cookies, desserts and a fruit basket--what a shock that caused my tears to flow. We have been so blessed by family and friends.

This week marks another celebration that we like to recognize each year--Riley and Tara came home from Guatemala the 16th and the 17th of December in 2002 and 2003. We always like to celebrate our family day during the week of this anniversary. Our kids are such a blessing!

I am still doing ok. My strength doesn't seem to be improving much at all, but my head has stayed pretty steady with a moderate headache--very tolerable. This is a busy time of the year and that is catching up with me a little, but overall it is going ok. I am so thankful to be feeling as well as I am in comparison to previous years at this time. It is all in perspective--I will take this gladly.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tara 2

Tara had her tubes taken out this morning and it went well. She is feeling great.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Friday morning Tara has her tubes removed. She will be under for just a few minutes. We are praying that the ear infections will stay away with the tubes out. When they were placed she also had her toncils and adenoids taken out so hopefully that will help.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Another storm

Well, another storm came through bringing stronger pain in my head which has now improved again.

Another milestone--it was 5 months ago on Monday that I had my last surgery. In a way it is hard to believe that it has been that long and in ways it seems to have just happened. But 5 months is a long time to be surgery free. So we will continue to be thankful for that!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Closer to Christmas

I have been so blessed! Yesterday and today have been very good days where my head is feeling clearer and not nearly as much pain. I so appreciate these days. This last week otherwise was not as easy. I am guessing because the weather was unsettled? My head was hurting more which wears me out. Perhaps being so busy the end of last week didn't help so much.

Sometimes I feel like a broken record--sorry. My head pain seems to vary quite a bit, but overall has been pretty tolerable. Eating has continued to slowly improve. Still can't seem to tolerate hamburger but I can eat a little ham now and a little beef roast. Progress in small steps. My abdominal incision is still quite red and ugly. It is still tender, but not nearly as much as it was. My abdomen is still a little tender as well. I don't like kids bumping their heads into my stomach for example, which happens with an enthusiastic and loving 6 year old sometimes. The incisions on my head are pretty well covered. The right side scar has been opened several times and doesn't show any signs of growing in hair but the left side seems to be getting a little hair growing in it.

As I have said before, I don't let myself go down the road of what the future holds for me very often, but occasionally my thoughts wander. But then, no one knows what the Lord has planned for their lives, so I need to rest content in that. I am so enjoying the blessings of life a little more normal. A church Christmas gathering with the ladies this morning was so awesome! We sang a few Christmas carols and I couldn't help but get choked up. What a blessing to be there and participate! I have missed so much so I am treasuring each event. Shortly we will be attending our older kids orchestra concert and I am excited that I can be there.