Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kids events

Kyle and the kids are at the pinewood derby tonight. Tanner & Riley are both racing a car. Next week the older kids have their instrumental concert while I am in the hospital. There last one was also during one of my hospital stays. It saddens me so much to miss these events in the kids' lives. The week after my surgery there are three musical events the kids are in that I would love to attend, but that might be difficult one week after surgery. We'll see. If it is close to possible, I will be there!

In a way it is hard not knowing which surgery I will be having--shunt in the brain or in my spinal cord. Will my head look like a patchwork quilt with three lengths of hair including 1/3 of it gone? I think that I will have the incision in my stomach either way and maybe I will have a matching incision in my back. I guess we will see. Kyle reminded me that my drivers license renews this summer--that may be a drivers license picture that I will want to hide! In my last picture I was sunburned and it always made me laugh. I'm not sure I will find this one as humorous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for a safe trip & a successful surgery! We will be watching your blog faithfully as always.
God Bless!