Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Please continue to pray

I spoke with the ns this morning. He is not going to decide which shunt to place until I am in the hospital Monday morning. He again said that the vp shunt (head) is bound to fail and the lumbar (lower back) shunt may very well recreate the chiari issues which would result in another possible chiari surgery. I told him that I would prefer the vp shunt because the thought of doing another chiari surgery is overwhelming but would do whichever he thought best. He doesn't think either is a good option but there aren't any other options besides doing nothing.

It is difficult going into surgery knowing that medically the outcome is very questionable. Last night the headache was really bad. So do I go forward with a questionable surgery in the hope that it might help or do I try living this way? At this point it seems I should do the surgery but I dread it. Please continue to pray for my ns as he makes the decision with which shunt to do and peace and courage for me and my family to accept God's answer to our prayers if He answers no.


Anonymous said...

Words fail me. I will keep praying for you and your family...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Dear Kyle,Cindy & Family,

We continue to pray for you all as you face another difficult surgery this coming Monday.How thankful we are that God's mercies are new each morning and that we can face each trial with the assurance of God's unfailing love and faithfulness!May you feel His presence in the day's ahead.
Uncle Al & Aunt Alice & Family

Anonymous said...

Praying for wisdom and a clear answer.

Through Him who loves us so much...

Anonymous said...


May God give you and your family the peace and healing that only He can give. In Christ, Sandi Vonk