Monday, June 29, 2009


Today has been the best day Cindy has had since she's been in the hospital. YEA!!!!!!!!!
She wasn't nauseated this morning and there hadn't been much coming out of her stomach since midnight so they pulled out the tube. Her blood tests are all coming back much better and the enzymes from her pancreas are coming down. She started taking some clear liquids this afternoon and that has gone well. I've been talking to her on the phone and her voice is again strong. This morning she could only whisper. She is hoping that they can still do surgery yet this week, but that is quite doubtful. She was in such terrible shape this weekend and now it is just a total turnaround - truly a miracle!! She will probably remain in the hospital yet and a few days after surgery, but at least she is doing better! She is trying to talk them into letting her come home for a couple days, but with the external tubes and the bags holding the spinal fluid, I don't think that will happen.

All the prayers everyone has been offering up for her are being answered - Thank you all so much!!!

Kathy (We are going home and celebrating!!)

Surgery Delayed

With the setback with Cindy's pancreas, the surgery has been canceled. Tami is up with Cindy now and the nurse said it could take about a week for the pancreas to heal. They are talking about next week now for the shunt surgery. So again, Cindy is discouraged, but we are not surprised. Although Cindy thought she was ready, her body is not. Also, we were concerned with drs. The main dr that had been speaking with the Milwaukee dr and was going to do the surgery is on vacation right now, and another one was going to do the surgery, but he was already planning on doing his own thing and Cindy was not comfortable with that at all. When Cindy was speaking with him yesterday and talking about different shunts etc, he said she knew too much which made us all a little nervous. So this has probably been a blessing in disguise.

Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
Thank you all!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday - The Lord's Day

Although Cindy is looking better than yesterday, she has definately taken a step backwards these last couple days. But we do have more answers today. Cindy has developed Pancreatitis from the removal of her gall bladder. It should heal itself in a couple days but absolutely no eating or drinking and she has to keep the tube in for another 2 to 3 more days to keep the stomach empty so it can heal. Her blood levels are improving, so when she is able to have surgery, that is OK. They are still thinking surgery might be Tuesday, but need to see how she is doing. Her stomach and intestines have shut down, so that all has to get working again but that's good because the pancreas has to heal first. Isn't it amazing how we were all created. The body is such an intricate creation, if everything isn't perfectly in sync, it doesn't work.

Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since Cindy entered the hospital in Rock Valley and many ups and downs since then. Kyle had all the kids at home this week. The 2 little ones were going to go to Karleen, but Riley (#3) just wanted to stay home with dad. They are all doing well, but missing mom of course. Kyle is pretty amazing!! Kyle and the two older kids are coming to the hospital this afternoon, and we might take them home later and let Kyle and Cindy have some time for themselves.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. Cindy loves all your emails!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Better News

They found the reason for Cindy's nausea and vomiting, her pancreas is inflamed. Just what this means we have no idea but the nurse didn't seem real concerned. They need to keep the NG tube in for a couple days to keep the pancreas from working. They also said her blood counts are improving.

The NG tube is really working, no more vomiting when the suction is hooked up. Karleen acutally took her outside in the wheelchair for a little while.

They have also rescheduled her surgery for Tuesday now. So to us this means that they are pretty confident she is going to get better!!

The Lord answers prayers!!


Saturday 6/27/09

Cindy continued to deteriorate last night and this morning and was vomiting on stop. Renae spent the night with her last night, Marv went up early this morning and Karleen is with her now and through tonite.

We really don't have any real reasons why this is happening yet. Her colon is inflamed, and her stomach is producing the bile that has been coming back up. They put a NG tube into her stomach this morning to keep it suctioned out so she wouldn't have to vomit anymore. The anti-nausea medication wasn't working anymore although they are going to try something different again. They did give her something to make her relax and sleep now. They need to get her strength built back up again.

We know only God can heal her completely and keep praying for that continously because that is what WE all want. But we also know that she is really suffering. We are praying that God's will be done. He knew from the beginning of time what He has in store for all of us.

Please continue to pray!

Friday, June 26, 2009

No surgery

Another huge disappointment! Cindy was even more sick and nauseated this morning. The neurosurgeon came in this morning and didn't like what he saw. He called the surgeon, checked on her blood tests and they cancelled the surgery as she was on her way to the surgery room. Her white blood cells went from 2,500 yesterday to 16,000 today which is an indicator of more infection. They have already done more blood cultures and she is now getting another CT scan of her whole belly area. As Cindy said again this morning, "I just can't do this anymore". She did just come back from the CT scan and is feeling a little better, so it is wait and see again.

Only our Lord knows what is happening and why, and we have to continue to trust in Him. We know God has the answers, but it is so very hard to watch Cindy go through this and know how much she has and is suffering. Please continue to keep Cindy in your prayers. They are needed so much right now.

Thanks for all your support!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bad Day

The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow 6/26 at 11:00. Needless to say, Cindy is very anxious about it and I'm sure scared also. She is just not having a good day, more nauseated than before and has a headache again.
She is getting more transfusions again today. Her platelets and white blood cells
did increase yesterday, but they are thinking something is destroying them, possibly her spleen, but hopefully that will correct itself once she is better.
Kyle and the two little ones were there this morning and he took her outside for awhile, but Kyle said too, not a good morning, many tears. She wanted me to come up later afternoon, which I will do when this is done.
Since this surgery is going to involve the whole front section of her head, she will be getting another GI - sure is easy for her to get ready that way with no hair! But that is the least of her concerns! Hair grows back.
Please keep her in your prayers that everything will go well with surgery and that she will be able to recover from all of this.
Thank you all so much!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Surgery Scheduled

I just got back from visiting Cindy. I took her outside for awhile, she loves to get some fresh air and feel the warm weather and enjoy the sunshine!

She is still on the antibiotics, but her last bag of it will get hooked up at 10:00 tonite, so that will be done by tomorrow morning. Only the dr that ordered can actually finish it, and that goes with everything else that she is dealing with. She has some staples in her side yet from two weeks ago where the chest tube went in, but they were forgotten, and only one of the surgeon team drs can actually order those removed. All rather complicated when there are so many doctors involved.

The platelets were quite low again this morning along with her white blood cells now. She is getting transfusions for both. Another big problem yet is her food intake. She is still just so nauseated and is getting medication for that, but it makes it so hard to eat that way. They are now counting calories, so we ordered up candy bars, hopefully they go down OK. I made chicken noodle soup and brought a supply up this morning, that is something that usually goes down. The dr said that it is probably the antibiotics that is causing it, and it takes about 24 hrs for that to to away after it is finished, which is Friday morning and that is when the next surgery is scheduled.

The neurosurgeon was also in when I was there, so we asked more questions. They are concerned about bacteria, since the tubes were in her belly area and that had infection in it. Since there is a chance that could have gone back to the shunt, they want to replace both shunts to be safe, and with Cindy that is probably a very wise thing to do. They will leave the tubes that are going into her brain alone, just connect the new shunts to the new drainage tubes and this time will connect those two drainage tubes before they go down into her stomach, so lthere will just be one. Hope that answers some questions some of you have. He also said he is planning on keeping her on as a patient which is wonderful, and one of our big concerns. He also said once they get these shunts in place and working right, they should last up to 20 years. She wants to badly to just be well and live a normal life.

Please pray that the platelets and white count go up for Friday and that surgery will go well. This will be her 7th surgery in 6 months time. Thanks again for all the support, emails to Cindy and most importantly, all your prayers!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Better News!

They are taking Cindy off the antibiotics this afternoon or evening. Hopefully that will help with the nausea. So far the cultures they are doing with the spinal fluid are still clear - Good news!! They are still planning on doing the shunt surgery on Friday, but the platlete count will still have to go up.

God answers prayers!!!

6-23 Another Bump in the Road

Some of the news we have been getting isn't as positive as we would like, so I seem to procrastinate a little in updating. Good news is always easier to post.

Cindy did have a blood transfusion yesterday, but it only brought the platlete level from 40 to 52, not a very big increase.

The neurosurgeon took some spinal fluid out of each one of her shunts on top of her head yesterday. There is fluid draining from each shunt into separate sterile bags that are yet external. The strange thing is the fluid in one bag is clear and it is yellow in the other bag. This is now more of a concern than the platletes and the dr is wondering if there is a connection between these two problems. They are also wondering if there is a connection to this and her nausea that just won't go away. The cultures they are doing on the fluid won't be back for a couple days, but hopefully we will get some answers yet today. Tomorrow is day 14 for the antibiotics, so hopefully that will be one less tube. She is getting fed intervenously, and is trying hard to eat a little.

Cindy is really enjoying all your emails that are being sent to the hospital and also all the cards etc. Someone delivers them once a day and that really gives her something to look forward to. Cindy does not have access to a computer so she can't reply or read the comments left on this blog, but she will when she gets home!!

It's hard to understand why the Lord is putting Cindy and the family through all this, and it seems like our faith is really being tested through all of this, but we also know that God does have a plan for everything. Please continue to pray for her physical needs but also her spiritual needs as well.

Thankyou, Kathy

Monday, June 22, 2009

This is the picture of all the Kaptein girls at the shower with baby Kayden on Saturday. We had a great time all together! THe picture below is of Cindy and Kayden on Friday.

6-22 Set Back

First, just wanted to say what a great morning we had on Saturday with Tami's shower at the hospital. A couple of us come early to help get Cindy spruced up a little, and we all had a great time!! It was hard for her when we all left, but the hospital chaplain that has been so faithful and caring was there to visit and pray with her after we left. We are so thankful for him, he is there almost everyday.

Cindy says thank you also for all your emails. Cindy has them laying right by her and has read them all several times. Please keep emailing, she appreciates it so much!! It really helps to keep her connected to the outside world and also helps to pass the time.

She also now has all her staples out. They took out every other one on Saturday, and yesterday they took out the rest. That feels so much better!!

On Saturday her headache started to come back a little but not sure why of course. Yesterday her blood test resutls came back and her platalate(sp?) count had dropped from around 400 a couple days ago to 52 yesterday. This morning it was down to 40, so she is getting a blood transfusion yet this morning. They will test again after the transfusion and hopefully it will be up. They are not sure what is causing this drop, could be the antibiotics or the blood thinner she was on for a few days after surgery. If it isn't higher afterwards they said it could possibly be her spleen causing some problems. So she now has another set of doctors working with her watching the blood details, and this puts her up to 6 groups of doctors. With all the doctors that she has, they should be able to get her back on her feet.

She just wasn't feeling well yesterday and didn't look as good either. Her eyes weren't as clear so then you know the headache is a problem again, but not bad.

Please continue to keep Cindy in your prayers. Her body is just so weak and she does get quite discouraged. She wants to be home with her family so badly and enjoy the summer with them instead of the hospital.

Thank you again for all your prayers, support and emails!

Friday, June 19, 2009

More encouraging news!

We do get conflicting news sometimes and this was one of them but a good one. The head neurosurgeon was in this morning and now says there was no infection in the spinal fluid, which is great news!!! She is on day 9 of the 14 day antibiotic treatment. If she stays well after the 14 days, they are talking about doing the shunt surgery by the end of next week. So this may be wishful thinking on our part, but hopefully she will be able to come home by the beginning to mid week of June 29.

Another positive is they gave family members permission to take Cindy outside by wheelchair to get a little fresh air (it probably smells better up there than it does in Rock Valley!!). Kyle took her out this morning and she fully enjoyed it!!

If any of you would like to email Cindy, she would really appreciate it. She doesn't have access to a computer, but you can send emails through the hospital. Go to and click on email patient and that should work.

Our prayers are being answered again, God is faithful!! Please give God thanks for your health, it seems that we don't appreciate it until we lose it. Thanks again so much for all your prayers and concern. They are appreciated more than you will ever know!!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Direction

Cindy just called me and told me the direction the Drs are planning. Cindy is being treated by 4 groups of Drs, Internists, Surgeons, Infectious Disease and Neurosurgeons. Several from each group have been in, so we are not always sure which ones we are talking to and working with. Tonite the Infectious Disease Dr was in and gave us a direction of what they are planning. She is on antibiotics for 14 days beginning with the day of surgery. They will then take her off for a few days and observe her to see if she gets sick again, runs a fever or shows any other signs of infection. If not they will then proceed with the shunt surgery(ies). If she does have infection, it sounds like they will have to pull the shunts and replace them, and that is something we don't want to happen. It took 3 surgeries to get the first one in the right position, and Cindy just doesn't need to go through any more of that. They are also going to test her liver for infection tomorrow. She has really been struggling with the nausea and they are not sure why. They took her off food again today but didn't bring up the NG feeding tube. The infectious disease dr is also going to try different things with the antibiotics tomorrow to see if maybe they are causing the nausea.

Kyle also spoke with Dr Heffez's nurse from Milwaukee. It sounds like Dr. Heffez and the neurosurgeon in Sioux Falls have discussed Cindy's case at length and have a plan, although we don't know what that is yet. Dr. Heffez was pleased with the SF Dr and had confidence in him which makes us all a little more relieved. I will keep this posted as I hear more.

Please continue to pray for complete healing!

6/18 Good News!

It's fun posting the GOOD news!

The chest tube is out and already much less pain! They did another x-ray this morning and it looked better so the tube got pulled. Now, it will be easier for her to walk by herself. It just wasn't possible before with the tube and container holding the fluid and all the other stuff she's hooked up to. Marv (her dad) is with her this morning. She is still quite nauseated and quite often is in the mornings, so they gave her something for that. Not sure what is causing it, but probably yet from the surgery and not getting much pain meds through the night anymore. She and the Drs are trying to wean her down from some of the pain meds.

Her youngest sister is going to surprise her today and show up at the hospital with her new baby! She will be spending the day with her again tomorrow. She's coming down from Fargo, ND and going to stay here for a week. We are going to have a baby shower on Saturday morning and one of Cindy's nurses was able to get a room in the hospital for us to have it in so Cindy won't have to miss it! That was another reason yesterday for happy tears! Then more tears because she didn't have a present, but Karleen took care of that!! So, the next fews days should be happy days for Cindy!

God is good!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Teary day

Everyone has to have there ups and downs, and today was Cindy's day. She is just discouraged today, is just so sick of being sick and wants to live a normal life with her family and is so hoping and praying that will happen and wondering if it ever will. So there were quite a few tears shed today, and when she cries, I cry too. It's hard to see your child have to endure so much, even if they are grown up. She was just feeling very isolated up there. She was better when I left her with Kyle's sister and daughter.

The CT scan showed some fluid in her lungs, under her lungs and in her belly area. So the chest tube didn't get pulled out yet today, and that tube causes alot of pain. There is a little concern about pneumonia, so she is trying to sit in the chair most of the time and trying to walk once an hour if someone is there to help her. There are too many tubes and machines for her to walk by herself and the nurses are busy. She does look better every day which is a very positive thing.

The neurosurgeon was also in this morning and said she will have to be in the hospital another 2 weeks before they can do anything with the shunts which also didn't help make her day. We were concerned when he started talking about removing one of the shunts - he doesn't know what she has been through to this point. There are still no headaches at all which is so wonderful and both the shunts are working. Cindy did just call and noticed that one of the external tubes from her shunt is leaking, which isn't good, that could contaminate more so the neurosurgeon was coming back to look at it.

The Drs are all threatening to put a NG tube into her stomach to feed her, and she is just as determined to not get one. She is just really struggling with eating, nothing tastes good and her stomach is just upset yet, like eating when you have the stomach flu, she says. The nurse told me they would get her anything she wanted, even if they had to go to the store to get it.

Please keep Cindy uplifted in your prayers, He is still the GREAT PHYSICIAN, and we know that if it is in His will, she will be healed, and we desperately hope and pray that is what will happen. Please continue to pray also for Kyle and the kids. Kyle has just been so amazing these last couple years through all of Cindy's problems. He is caring for Cindy, the kids, the house and working, not many husbands would be able to what he has had to. God sure gave Cindy a great mate!!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday June 16

Cindy's sister Karleen is spending the day with Cindy today. Cindy had a chest x-ray this morning with the hope of getting out the chest tube. They found that for some unknown reason her lung is partially collapsed. More tests yet from last week showed that she had endometriosis on her appendix. She is still having alot of pain in her belly area, so they are doing another CT scan now to see if there is anything they can find yet. They have been suctioning out the chest tube and for some reason that apparantly plugged up this afternoon causing quite a bad spell for her. They left the suction connected now so hopefully that won't happen again.

Kyle spoke with Dr Heffez (the Dr from Milwaukee) and filled him in to what has happened, and he is going to make contact with the neurosurgeon in Sioux Falls. No Dr's in Sioux Falls have ever worked with the type of shunts that Cindy has. She does have the best N.S. in S.F. we have been told.

I will hopefully update tomorrow morning with the news from the CT scan.

Both Kyle's and our families are close enough that we are all trying to help them in whatever way we can with the kids, Cindy etc.. Kyle's retired parents and his sister both live in Sioux Center which has been a huge help to them through all of this. I now have to get home, Kyle and kids are coming for supper. The 2 little ones have swimming lessons in Rock Valley this week.

Please keep praying!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Marvin and I (Cindy's parents) and Renae (Cindy's sister) spent the day with Cindy yesterday. She was just needing some moral support, and wanted some family around her. She was not doing well when we got there. She had vomited, and so she is still just on ice chips. They were going to start a nutrition program by IV last night so she could start getting some nourishment. Her last meal was a week ago yesterday. I just spoke with her now and she vomited again, so not a good day for her yet today. That is so painfull with her large incision.

We really don't have any answers to just what is going to happen yet. With the infection in her spinal fluid, it has just complicated everything. It sounds like she will be in the acute surgical ward for up to two weeks yet, and they probably won't do anything with the shunts or tubing for about two weeks. Hopefully we can get some answers this week, but it depends on Cindy's progress and what the Dr's decide is best.

They were going to change the two bags that the spinal fluid is going into last night which had to be a sterile procedure. Both shunts are working very well. There was about 2 cups of fluid in each bag since Wednesday. I can't imagine the extreme pain with all that extra fluid and the pressure on her brain she had before the shunts were in place. She has said that she would still take this stomach pain and even all this surgery over the headaches any day.

Cindy has just been so amazing through all of this. She doesn't complain, although when the pain level gets so high, I know she would like to just give up, but her faith is just so extremely strong and that is what is carrying her through all of this. She is just such an inspiration for everyone.

We know so many of you are reading this blog and your prayers and support mean so very much to Cindy and all of us. Thank you all so much!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

New room!

Cindy was moved into the acute surgical wing this morning. She was doing better this morning and knew where she was. The medication yesterday did make our conversations quite interesting!
She is getting a little lonely up there which is a great sign! If anyone is in Sioux Falls, she would enjoy visitors. Her room is #1252, but please keep in mind that Cindy's strength is very weak.
Thank you and thanks again for all your prayers!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Cindy is still in ICU, she had some reaction to some medication, so it is wait and see when she will get out of ICU.
Also, some not very good news. Some test results are in and there was infection on the shunt tube ends that were cut off during surgery and also in her spinal fluid.
We know God is in control and we need to keep her in our prayers.
Good night, Kathy


Cindy is looking much better than she did a couple days ago. She has a good team of doctors working with her and she is also getting good care.
Her incision is actually 12" long, from her breast bone down to her pubic bone, but they went around her belly button! There has been close to a liter of drainage from the drainage tube under her left lung, and her shunts are both draining well - quite amazing how that all works, and still no headaches!!
Cindy is still in ICU but might possibly be moved yet this afternoon into the acute surgical ward where she would still get alot of care. She is still on ALOT of medication, they did insert a PICC line in her on Wednesday so that is helpful. The Dr said her pain level would be very high yet for a couple days, so she is very heavily medicated and does say some very interesting things sometimes. Her sugar level is elevated so she is on insulin right now (that should go away) and her thyroid level dropped so she is on meds for that also. Their biggest concern of course is for the infection, they need to get her belly area "sterile" before they can do anything with the shunt tubes. The biggest concern is the shunts themselves. They don't know if they will have to take those out and replace them. PLEASE keep praying that this will not have to happen. They did alot of cultures during surgery and the results of those aren't back yet. That would mean a couple more brain surgeries, instead of just the surgeries to place the shunt tubes.
According to the Dr her stay in the hospital could likely be up to two weeks.
They did get Cindy in a chair this morning for the first time and that went well. There is a chaplain that has been coming to visit and pray with her every day which has been so nice and comforting.
Please continue to keep Cindy and her family in your prayers!
Kathy Kaptein (mom)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another surgery over

After an extremely difficult (and scary) morning, they got her vitals and pain somewhat under control. When I got there before 7:00, monitors were ringing, she was struggling to breathe, and in just extreme pain and the nurse just wasn't doing anything. When the Dr. walked into her room at 8:00 am, she just sent her immediately into ICU and ordered many more tests.
After tests results were in yesterday afternoon, it was decided to do surgery, their diagnosis was peritonitis in the belly area. They had ruled out infection in the spinal fluid ( the neurosurgeon actually took a little spinal fluid right out of one of the shunts, so she didn't have to have another spinal tap), so they left the tubes in from her shunts, but pulled them out during surgery through her chest area so they are now external for the next week or two. She went into surgery about 7:00 pm. They had found fluid around her one lung and spleen on the CT scan, and that is where the infection was. They cleaned that out and didn't find any more in her lower abdomin area. Cindy requested they also take out her apendix and gall bladder, since there is family history or problems with each of these, and that was also done because he didn't want to have infection in her belly area from either of these organs in the future because of the shunts. The incision is quite large and she was in alot of pain last night. She is still in ICU, but may be moved out by later afternoon. According to the DR yesterday, she will probably be in the hospital about a week, but will have to have another surgery to cut off the tubes at chest area that are now external and put them inside somewhere again, and the where still has to be determined. The best would still be her belly area, but since she is so thin and has no fat on her organs, those tubes are causing some irritation so it's wait and see again what will be the best option.
Thanks again so much for all your prayers and support!
Kathy Kaptein (Cindy's mom)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Feeling a little better

I just received a call from our Mom and Cindy is feeling a little better. Her pain has been better controlled now that she is in the ICU. She has had a CT scan and she is going to have another one soon with contrast. She has a team of Drs. working to figure out what is going on with her, a neurosurgeon, general surgeon, neurologist, internist, infectious disease Dr, and an obstetrician. They are thinking she may either have peritonitis possibly from a punctured colon or possibly an infection of the spinal fluid. Once they have the CT results she will most likely have an exploratory surgery to see what they can find out. Kyle and my parents are up at the hospital with her right now and I will continue to keep updating as I get news. Just keep praying for her and for the Drs., that's what she needs most right now.

Prayer Needed

This is Renae, Cindy's sister and I'm going to be taking over Cindy's blog for awhile. Cindy is at McKennan hospital in Sioux Falls. She had a rough night last night, such terrible stomach pain. She is now on a morphine pump which is taking the edge off but still very sore. She also has been running a fever, it was 100 at 4:00 and is now 102. Our Mom has been at the hospital since early this morning and has been such wonderful support for her. She will be having an ultrasound here shortly and hopefully they will find some answers. Please pray for her and Kyle. They need prayers now desperately bad. Thank you so much. I will keep you all posted as I get new information.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

On Monday her stomach pain become more severe and so Kyle took her to Rock Valley where they submitted her into the hospital. She stayed the night and the pain continued to get worse. THey ran some tests but are still unsure of what is going on. She is being transferred to McKennan Hospital in SIoux Falls at this time. They are going to have various doctors consult to see whats going on. It may be shunt related or may not be. Will keep you posted as we get more info.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

So discouraged

Can I admit that? After all this time and all that has happened I should be doing fine. My head, although not completely perfect, really isn't bad and I am hoping that is due to the the weather. My abdomen, on the other hand, is horrible today. How can that be? What is wrong with me? There have been times today that it hurt to breath. At one point I thought I was going to have to crawl to my bed. Now how can my stomach hurt so much? My problem is my head, not my stomach. Am I losing my mind, literally? I just had surgery to correct this but. . . Now what? What is wrong with me?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

slowly improving

I am still headache free! That is wonderful. Recovery is of course taking much longer then I would like. My incision hurts but I have quite a bit of pain in my abdomen yet--different yet strong. I slept a few hours again today and am not moving around much yet. The nausea is still plaguing me but I am able to eat better much of the time, which is a blessing. Today I was able to take the original dressing off the incision. After that I could cover it with a waterproof medical plastic stuff-I can't remember the name--and gauze and take a shower. That was wonderful! Sponge baths just aren't the same. :) When not in the shower, the incision can be open with just sterie strips. That feels much better then the big bandaging they had over it.

I did get out of the house for the first time since getting home from the surgery, which was nice. Kyle wheeled me around Walmart for a few minutes, and that was enough. I obviously have not learned the gift of patience yet because I want to be better now, not tomorrow or next week. It seems like the last 6 months have basically been months of surgical recovery and I am really ready to move on!

I am wondering if the weather might be changing again? I am not feeling as well but I can't really put my finger on what it is. Maybe I should become a weather forecaster?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today has been a quiet day. The kids are still gone, which has been a good thing. I am getting a lot of sleep. I'm fighting nausea again and not sure why. Hopefully that will improve soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We're home

We made it home. Again, it was probably the easiest trip home that I have had after surgery--such a blessing! Best news first--I still do not have a headache at all! My head is perfectly clear and it is so awesome!

The night last night wasn't so great. The pain increased quite a bit where I have the incision and I got behind with the pain. So I didn't get much sleep and really didn't get on top of it until this morning. I am staying on top of it with pain meds now and as long as I take them regularly I am doing ok, although I am certainly not skipping. :) It is rather funny to me in a strange way that my stomach hurts this much when I don't really remember having this much pain from the incisions from previous surgeries. What I have concluded is that stronger pain trumps smaller pains. Holes drilled in my head created quite a bit more pain then incisions in my stomach so my focus was on the pain in my head. Since I don't have that pain to "distract" me the incision in my stomach hurts. As I have said before, I will take this any day over the headache.

Thank you so much for the comments! It was fun to see so many encouraging comments tonight! We also appreciate so many prayers on our behalf. We are praying that my head will remain clear. I would think that the incision pain won't last all that long. It is a little early to tell whether the abdominal pain is gone now that I am taking so much pain medication but it seems to be much better. I would think that the irritation will take a little while to improve. About 7 inches of tubing was removed this time.

The kids are staying with Aunt Lisa and Grandpa & Grandma yet tonight. I am pretty exhausted so hopefully tonight will go a little better with pain control and sleep and each day will be a better day.

I am going to end with a couple verses I previously studied & read again last night: Ecclesiastes 7:13 & 14 Consider the work of God: who can make straight what He has made crooked? In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that many may not find out anything that will be after him.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Surgery done!

Things went well. I almost feel like I didn't have surgery. Usually I am so miserable the day of surgery and today has really not been to bad! It seems so strange not to be in the hospital! The best part? I don't have a headache at all! After the tube was cut, the fluid began to flow well so perhaps it was partially blocked? We'll see, but that has been great today. The incision didn't hurt so much this afternoon, but tonight it is hurting quite a bit. I am so thankful all went well!