Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Night

Cindy is doing well. They did put her in an ICU room for the night. I think they wanted to play it safe since she has had a few operations in the past 2 months. The CT Scan was done at 4:30pm today and we should have the results of that tomorrow morning. If things go well thru the night she should get transported to a regular room tomorrow. Dr. Heffez did say that he is planning on keeping her in the hospital an extra day instead of sending her home early to make sure everything is going well. The new shunt is programmed at the least amount of fluid to flow. He does think the first shunt is still working a little bit - dripping. But he said that might get adjusted before we leave if needed. It is very weird to go to a large hospital and the nurses and staff and doctors know you on a first name basis.


Mary and Lyle said...

Wow! That must be crazy to have all the doctors and nurses know you on a first name basis at such a big hospital. I'm glad that Dr. Heffez is keeping Cindy an extra day. She needs to be ready for such a long trip home too. I'm so glad that it looks like things have gone well for this surgery. Hang in there Kyle and Cindy. We are praying for you back in Iowa!

Mary and Lyle

Anonymous said...

Glad they are keeping you to make sure they have the adjustments on your shunts correct before they send you home! It's a long enough trip each time. Hope everything keeps going well. We are anxious to see you again!
Take Care~

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that it went well! We are anxious to hear your the sound in your voice again of being pain free...clear eyes, and that great energy that you have. We continue to pray for these things for you! Praying for strength in your recovery and healing!
