Saturday, December 21, 2013

Few days before Christmas

Time seems to be moving so quickly!  I seem to be holding pretty steady for which I am thankful.  With all the busy and crazy times going on I am obviously not updating often.  Yes, that means things are staying about the same!  When things are like this, though, I do find that I have more frequent bad days.  They are frustrating!  Compared to where I have been, though, I continue to be thankful.

Of bigger concern our lives, though, have been both sets of parents.  Kyle's dad is just not picking up after his big surgery and we are concerned about that.  At eighty years old, it just isn't so easy to recover from a big surgery.  He isn't moving around much and eats very little. 

My Dad completed chemo and radiation after a couple months and just had a big surgery that he is recovering from now.  He is pushing himself to get better but has a long ways to go.  Unfortunately, he will start chemo again in about three weeks. 

It is hard to see our parents struggle and suffer.  Perhaps I am experiencing what they experienced a few years ago with my struggles.

Our kids are all making progress although the consequences of my ongoing health problems continue to show themselves.  With so many other things happening I have to let everyone know that if you have gotten Christmas cards from us before, there won't be one coming out this year.  I just didn't have the energy or time to put that together.  I mentioned to the older kids that they could write a letter this year that we could send out but they didn't take me up on it.  Sorry!

We are thankful for the Lord's continuing care for our family and truly do appreciate so many continued prayers for us!