Friday, March 20, 2009

Tougher Day

This is Cindy again. I woke up hurting quite a bit this morning and that has made me a little blue. I am taking as little pain medication as I can in fear of a reoccurrence of that explosion I had the other day. Dr Heffez thought that it was stomach related. The pain isn't all that bad but I am not moving much yet. We are planning on staying in our hotel again tonight. We will take it day by day to see how my strength is to do some traveling.


Anonymous said...

We'll keep praying for you and your family. The Lord has upheld you all and I believe he will continue to do so. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Please rest and take your time getting home. We want you to get better and not push yourself so hard!! Luv you sis.

Mary and Lyle said...

I'm glad you are taking your time about getting home. You really need your strength. It seems like it's kind of been that every other day is a good day, so I'm praying for that for you tomorrow! Have a safe trip home. Thinking of you all the time.
