Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I think that there is a little, shall I call it a lull, in how I feel a few weeks after doing better. After the pain being so intense for a stretch of time, when it is rather quickly better I am so relieved! I feel a little giddy and anxious to do some things that I couldn't. Now, a few weeks later, reality settles in and I am straining against the limits, not appreciating the milder headache so much and just overall a little discouraged. I shouldn't be, but I am.

Hopefully the winter weather we are experiencing will disappear, the sun will start shining and my attitude will improve, not necessarily in that order!

Friday, March 25, 2011


I have decided to complete the application for Johns Hopkins and just see what they have to say. The doctor will review the application and medical records and either tell me that he can't help me or will call to schedule an appointment there.

I continue to do well. My headache is remaining mild and tolerable for the most part. I am very slowly gaining strength, I think. I am still quite exhausted by the end of the day even though I am taking it pretty easy every afternoon. I haven't tried to add any exercise yet because I am too tired by the end of the day yet. Hopefully that will improve and I can work on strengthening a bit. I know by about 9:00 I am heading to bed and sleep as if I am in a coma. :) No sleeping pills needed now!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am a little discouraged that I haven't heard from the St Louis or Columbus doctors. It is hard to understand why doctors seem to be so unwilling to work on my case. I have always tried to be pleasant with those that I worked with and have generally not called a lot or made a pest of myself. In fact, the SF NS that was so rude to me had not heard from me for over a year. Having this rare problem is just difficult because I feel like I am on my own so much of the time.

Now I struggle with what to do. Should I continue working on finding another doctor to see if more can be done? Or should I just be content with where I am? If I need a shunt adjustment I will have to go to SF. I will NOT go there if the shunt needs to be replaced! At this point my Milwaukee doctor is willing to continue working with me on that if necessary and I do trust him. So I am kind of at a crossroad and just not sure where to turn. There is also the doctor at Johns Hopkins that I can pursue and I about have that paperwork about ready. I just haven't finished it because I don't know if it is worth going out there now. I really don't know if I can get better.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


A busy, busy weekend! I am again so thankful that my headache has stayed very tolerable! We had a birthday party for Kylie Friday night and three girls stayed overnight and then had a second birthday party for Riley and had one stay overnight. The girls were great and it was an easy party for me. Kyle was fabulous in doing most of the work with the boys. He took six little boys bowling for a couple hours and then they came home for cake and then they headed home.

Saturday evening we had a potluck at church and although I had layed down for a little while, shortly after getting there I hit "the wall" and was utterly exhausted. Tanner drove me home and I went to bed shortly after. I was still tired this morning but got a three hour nap this afternoon and am finally feeling like I am on top of things as I can be right now.

Not surprisingly, today my head has hurt a little more than it has since the "episode" ended. Not bad, but just a little more bothersome. I would imagine all the activity is probably at fault, and there was a low pressure system hitting today, too, which often does cause me some problems.

The Lord has blessed me and my family. What a joy to celebrate birthday's. I am thankful that I am still on this earth to celebrate these things. Kylie just got her drivers permit and I am thankful that I could see her joy. I am glad that I can still be a more active part in my families activities again. Sure, it isn't a cake walk, but perhaps I appreciate these small things more because I can't always do it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


It really is a blessing to not have much new to write about. I am thankful that I am staying about the same. The headache is very tolerable. Of course, I am not as strong as I was prior to this episode but that is coming along.

I had an interesting conversation the other day, though. I had my hair cut and as my beautician was looking at my hair right before cutting she noticed that I had lost a lot of hair. She said that when your body is under a lot of stress your hair can fall out. Interestingly, she could also see that a lot of new hair was just starting again. I know the headaches were pretty bad part of the three weeks, and even when they weren't terrible, they weren't great. It is amazing how the body reacts to pain. It reminds me of when I noticed about 3-4 months after the last hospital stay that my toenails had started growing. They didn't really grow at all for about two years. Kind of weird! I guess when I have a lot of pain, my body uses all of its energy just surviving so it stops the less important functions. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Another good day, although quite exhausting! Boy do I get tired again!

It really is quite amazing that I had the shunt adjusted. That day that I went into the ns office and he was terrible, as we were ready to walk out of the office he sarcastically said that he would humor me and adjust the shunt but it wouldn't help. I said to just forget it and we walked out. When we got to the car, my mom asked if I was sure that I didn't want to adjust it. I told her no. I couldn't deal with him again and I didn't think it would help. She started driving and asked if we could stop at a restaurant just to pull ourselves together. After sitting there a little while, she asked again and again I said no. She pushed me a little bit then, so I told her to call Kyle and I would go along with whatever they decided. I was so discouraged that I really didn't care. Kyle immediately agreed with mom so we went back. Then we waited in the waiting room for about an hour and I was nearly ready to just walk out because it was noisy and I really was feeling pretty rotten. Mom says that she wouldn't have let me walk out, though. :)

I am so thankful that she pushed me to do it! Otherwise I would have fought this headache indefinitely, trying drugs that wouldn't help. What a blessing!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Happy birthday, Kylie! I can't believe my second child is 14 today!

I continue to do well. What a blessing to be able to worship in our new church building with my family and church family twice yesterday! When I got into the car with the rest of the family I told them that it is such a pleasure just to be going along with them to church. When I have the bad headaches, one of the tougher times is when the whole family leaves together to go to church without me.

My head is doing pretty well. The headache is mild again, which I appreciate. My ears still ring loudly all the time which is annoying, but normal for me. I have struggled a bit with my nerves settling down. It seems like they go a little crazy when I have the bad headaches and it is taking some time for them to settle. I think it has gottten better but it isn't entirely gone yet. Probably the most noticeable thing is that I become a little shaky if I do a little too much or have noise or commotion around me for a little too long.

It is very nice to be going back to work. I went in a couple hours a day last week and hope to continue extending that, although I am being very careful to not overdue it. I really don't need any steps backwards at this point.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I guess I am a little stuck on the rudeness of the ns on Monday. I see that I repeated myself but it has been difficult getting that out of my mind.

Yesterday I told Kyle that I just wish I could be better--all the way better. I am doing remarkably better than the last few weeks and am thankful for that. However, it would be so incredible just to feel well and to have my normal strength, etc. It affects every area of my life and that of my family. Every thing that we do has to be adjusted to fit my issues and that can be so frustrating. Kyle ends up doing so much more and sometimes I would really just like to do these things for the joy of doing them!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Another day that was good! What a blessing it is to be feeling better! I am still finding that I am weaker than I expected to be and tire out very quickly. I think part of that is I am overwhelmed so quickly with activity of any kind which can be exhausting.

I am a little frustrated with my experiences with some doctors. The doctor that I saw this Monday was incredibly rude and I am still a little shocked by it. My mom took me to the appointment and she is still amazed that he would be so rude. He made comments like, "at least you are alive" when we said the headaches were very bad, and "I will only work on your shunts if you are dying" and "I suppose I can humor you by adjusting the shunt but it won't make a difference" (the adjustment is a simple procedure with an instrument held to my head by the shunt pump). He also said, "people have headaches all the time," dismissing me like I was just complaining about a little symptom or something. He uses the tool of sarcasm very well. Why do doctors do things like this, and how could he talk to me this way when I was in a lot of pain? I really don't understand what motivates people like that.

I still haven't heard from the other two doctors that we sent records to. My experience has been that no news is usually not good news. They seem to call if they accept me and wait a while and then send a letter if it is a decline. We have hoped to get another opinion just to see if there is anything else that I can do to reduce my symptoms. We are looking seriously at one more lead that Kyle's sister Melanie found that looks promising. More on that later.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Another good day! I am so very thankful!

I am finding that my my head is back to where it was before this episode, but my nervous system hasn't settled down yet. So I am still super sensitive to noises, activity, etc. I have had this problem consistently, but it is always much worse during the headaches. I remembered today that every time I've had a pressure headache I ended up having surgery so I would imagine that the time on pain meds, etc., gave time for my nerves to calm down without me realizing it. This time it is a little frustrating that it isn't much better like the headache! But I would imagine that will get better with some time.

I have also found that I have lost some strength again after a good three weeks of headaches. So I will have to work that up again. But overall, I have much to be thankful for!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Psalm 30:2-5

O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you have healed me.

O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol;
you restored me to life from
among those who go down to the pit.

Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints,
and give thanks to His holy name.
For His anger is but for a moment,
and His favor is for a lifeteime.

Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

I opened my Bible to the Psalms this morning. Now I don't generally just open the Bible and hope that it falls open at the right place for me, but when I opened it this morning, it fell on Psalms 30 and I had a note from quite a while ago, "Please Lord" written next to the first verse I quoted. What a God we serve!

The "impossible" has happened! Yesterday the ns surgeon told me that it was absolutely not the shunt causing my problem. However, this morning, I am back! My headache, while not gone, is back to where it was before this whole episode began! So it does seem to have been a shunt issue all along.

I am so very thankful, yet I am trying not to get overly excited. I am going to keep things quiet for a while and ease into things. No, I haven't called the ns yet, either. I want to wait a couple days just to make sure that things stay the same, and then I will give him a call. At this point I will rejoice and and enjoy this time of feeling better, no matter how long it lasts.

It was fun calling a few family members this morning, because all they would hear is a "hello" and they immediately heard and knew that I was doing better. I don't hear the difference in my voice, but many do and the evidence of my improvement is easily heard. :)

I appreciate the prayers that have been given on my behalf, and now ask that anyone reading this praise the Lord for this answer to prayer. What a wonderful God we serve! As I have said many times, I love to sing and hear the old Psalms and Hymns, and I have a few of those joyful songs running through my mind. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011


This weekend continued about the same with the headache. I am so ready to be done with this and resume normal life!

Today we visited the ns in sf. As I anticipated, it did not go well. I explained what has happened the last three weeks. It is pretty clear on my face that I am not well. He responded with, "at least you are alive!" (He wouldn't have much of a practice if he said that to all of his patients!) He also reminded me that he would only work on the shunt if I am dying. He did feel my head where you can feel the tubing and pump through my skin to be sure it was still connected correctly. That is about the best he would give me. He was willing to adjust the shunt setting, though, so we chose to decrease the amount of fluid flowing out slightly. It would be such a blessing if that very simple thing made a big difference! The ns was quite convinced that it wouldn't, but he humored me by adjusting the setting.

I have an appointment with a neurologist in two weeks. I am not so keen on that since I have gone down that road a few times before, and their cure is always drugs and more drugs. Right now I am just taking one medication (and a sleeping pill since this began about three weeks ago). That is not so bad. . . my high was while treating in Chicago under a neurologist and I was taking 20 to 25 pills a day. Zombie land.

Although this was quite a discouraging day, the Lord does continue to provide His grace. I am shedding a few tears as my emotions seem to swing a lot with the headaches, but I am holding onto Him. I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement offered to my family and I. It is hard for me going through it, but I sometimes think it is even harder for Kyle as he tries to keep all the plates spinning at the same time that he is caring for me. He would never admit that, though. We all just long for normalcy again. Perhaps tomorrow. . . .

Friday, March 4, 2011


Another day of the same. I am not improving but not getting worse, either.

Monday morning I will be seeing the SF ns. He has agreed to reset the shunt, although a bit unwillingly. We are hoping that perhaps the shunt valve is stuck open a little or something. It would be so nice if it was reset and I started feeling better! This is totally a guess on our part, but we are willing to try about anything!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Another day that was a little better. It is such a relief not to have the very intense pain! I do the best in the morning. As the day goes by it seems to intensify. I become very tired quickly. It was a quiet day, though. The younger two kids went to Karleen's house for the long weekend so it will remain quiet. It is always hard to have them go but it is probably the best for all at this point.

Kyle takes me out for a drive every evening, which I enjoy. I didn't go very much while it was really bad because it was just too painful. Last night, though, he took me around and we stopped at our churchs' new location and it looks so good! It is so exciting that we are now worshipping in our own facility. I am sad that I missed the first service there. I am hoping the noise will be better there but we will see. Someone told me they thought it was going to be much better for me--I really hope so!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The days seem to blur together so I have decided that titling each post with the day is a good way to keep track of where I am in the week. :)

I am thankful to say that today was much better than the last several days have been. I was hesitant to admit it but finally called Kyle at about 9:30 am and told him that I was doing better. I think I am back to pre-spinal tap but not back to where I was a few weeks ago. I am still very sensitive to noise, light and activity is very overwhelming, but still not nearly as painful as it was. I would love to be back to "my normal" but am very thankful that I am improved. However, I think that my emotions are on high now that I am thinking a little bit more. I don't like that very well.

We found out today that the UCLA doctor requires a significant upfront payment for a telephone appointment so we are waiting to hear what the other two doctors would charge or how they would handle this type of situation. We have found that appointments by phone are not covered by health insurance. So we continue to wait and pray for answers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today Renae and Tami graciously did my laundry and cleaned the basement. What a blessing to have family around! Renae continues to work on getting records together (and determining which in the stacks of records are the most important!), and I think she said that hopefully we will have everything we need tomorrow to get to the various doctors.

My headache is still pretty strong, but the intensity that I have while being up seems to be improving. I continue to spend most of my time laying down but have found that I can be up longer periods of time before it becomes unbearable.

This has been quite a struggle again. I just wasn't prepared to deal with this again. Now that the shock of it has worn off I am learning again to live day by day. My head hurts to much to worry which I suppose is a good thing. I am very grateful for the encouraging words on the blog and by email as well as phone messages and acts of kindness shown to us again. It reminds me that although I feel very isolated at home, there are those that care. This is a dark and dreary road but the Lord continues to be faithful.