Sunday, June 27, 2010


I find it such a privilege to be able to go to church twice every Sunday. Memories of longing for corporate worship haven't disappeared. I find myself becoming emotional occasionally, particularly when singing the dear old Psalms and hymns. I have heard people sometimes say they are dry or boring but they must not be singing the beautiful words that I am singing. I enjoy singing the praise songs at other times the Psalms and hymns express so much of the Christian faith and the faithfulness and grace of our God.

The weather has been turbulant around here and my head has been affected by it, of course. Last night Kyle had his 25th high school class reunion 15 miles away. We drove separately so that if it was too noisy I could go home. After supper it was announced that a storm with 60 mph winds was on its way. Since our kids were on their own I decided to make a run for it so they wouldn't be alone when it hit. I made it most of the way when the storm hit. It was frightening! It suddenly started to pour down rain and the wind hit at the same time. I couldn't see anything except the white line. Then hail started coming down driven by the wind. I finally saw the white line stop and it appeared that there might be a side road so I bravely decided to drive off. Thankfully it was a side road so I pulled to the side and waited for the worst of the storm to pass. Lightening was striking all around me, my car was moving around from the wind and the hail was hitting my side window so hard that I was afraid it might break! It lasted for what seemed forever but was probably only around 10 minutes or so. The wind slowed, the hail stopped and the rain slowed. I made a run for home and found that I was only about three miles out. When I did get to town I was surprised that one of the sidestreets was almost entirely under water. I was pretty thankful to get home when I did! Kyle sat the storm out and had an easy drive home. I have definitely learned my lesson--I won't try to outrun a storm again!

One of the things I haven't done for at least three years is ride bike. We have enjoyed bike riding as a family quite a bit in the past. My balance is still enough of a problem that i haven't tackled that yet. The bouncing around may not be so great, either. I normally always hold handrails when I go up and down steps but tonight after church I started up stairs without the hand rail and halfway up started tipping over. I think I scared the person behind me. Very strange that my balance isn't so great, so I am just not sure how bike riding would go. I really want to so I might just try it, but a big bump to my head would be disastrous!

Another thing that is a bit of a mystery to me is that my right shoulder and arm still ache a lot and seem to be weaker. It isn't dramatic but is bothersome. I am right handed so I thought that it would improve as I use it more, but it is still noticeably weak to me, although I don't think anyone else would notice. Very strange.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We are settling back into a routine, as much as a routine is possible with four kids going in different directions! I continue to do fairly well with a few ups and downs now and then. We are so grateful for my health remaining relatively steady the last year. I kind of feel like I missed a year of my life, though. The kids will ask about something that happened last year and much of the time I just don't remember. Very strange feeling sometimes, but I am making up for it by making new memories.

The other day I decided to take the kids to Toy Story 3. Tara was quite afraid of me going. She was so worried because she knew that it would be loud with a lot of action. She tried to convince me that I really shouldn't go because she really didn't want me to be hurt or back to the hospital. I reassured her that it would be ok and that she didn't have to worry about mom. It went pretty well. I had my earplugs in right away, of course, and I shut my eyes sometimes during the "action" parts, but I did it! Afterwards I took it easy for a while and was a little more "headachey" but that was ok. I did it and Tara was reassured again that I am not hospital bound. Another accomplishment!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We had such a nice time in Washington. There are some pretty special people back there! Tanner decided that he is going to live there and is plotting how he can get there again soon.

I am trying to get back into the swing of things, but it is a little overwhelming--not a surprise. Mountains of laundry and lots to do at work. I went to the office this morning but didn't overdo it since I am pretty tired. Of course, my head is hurting more right along with it. I suppose a few days and I will be back to where I was.

Kyle did such a great job taking the kids there and back. Kylie was sick to her stomach a couple times on the way back, but that is fairly normal for her. Poor girl. It seems that if she is out of her routine she gets sick. I think Kyle said that they drove something like 4800 miles. Big trip! My flights went pretty well. Each flight was on time and no problems.

We have much to be thankful for! Safe travel, a beautiful and quiet place to stay, friends and relatives showing us much kindness and some one on one with a treasured cousin before flying out. I am so thankful that I am not in the hospital--I was a very sick person a year ago right now. Now I just need to continue working on gaining my strength and walking through each day and taking things one at a time.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Almost home

I am jotting a quick note since I have access to a computer. We will be home soon--sometime on Tuesday.

The trip has gone well. I am so thankful that our travels went well, we were able to do some site-seeing and visited a lot of folks. What a blessing to hear again about how many have prayed for our family.

I have found that Washington weather is a little more agreeable with my head. The changing weather has not bothered me nearly as much as it does at home. Perhaps the barometric pressure doesn't fluctuate as much? Who knows. I am tired, though and my head is hurting more as the week has gone by, but it is still very tolerable. I've had a very quiet day today so hopefully tomorrow will be a little better.

Thanks for praying for us!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


It seems that we are just rushing from one thing to the next this last while. It was quieter this week, but. . . . we are heading out tomorrow morning at 5:00 am for a family trip to Washington state. We have been hoping to do this for the last few years, but with my health being what it has been we have not been able to go. Since I am doing better we decided that we had better take advantage of it! It will be fun to visit places and loved ones that I saw so often as a child and now rarely see. The last time I was there was for my grandfather's funeral about 6 years ago, and that was a short trip with only time long enough to prepare a funeral. We are really looking forward to this time.

The logistics aren't always so easy, but they will work. I still do not travel well--riding in a bumping car is very hard on me. So, Kyle is dropping me off at the airport bright and early and then he and the kids will continue on and drive to Washington. I will fly in tomorrow afternoon, Lord willing, and Kyle and the kids will be driving in Saturday evening. The parents of a friend of Kyle have very graciously offered to let us stay in their condo while we are there, which is so very kind! It will give me a place to go for quiet time as I need it. I stayed home from work today to prepare for the trip, and although I am exhausted now we are ready and it went fairly well. Dear Renae, my sister, helped me again with some things. What a blessing family is!

I am not sure if I will have computer access while I am gone so I will update if I have the opportunity but otherwise I will write when we all get back. My head has been much better after a rough day on Monday, for which I am so thankful! I am rather curious how the climate, etc., will affect my head. Regardless, we are praying that the trip goes well and that we will have some great family memories!