Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday evening

This is Cindy writing again.  Today has been the best day that I have had for quite a while.  The pain and nausea aren't as strong today, though, which is a blessing.

The surgery this time was much more painful upon waking than I anticipated.  I'm not really sure why, but between strong pain and nausea we've struggled to control, I have really struggled this time.  We've had so many encouragement along the way, though.  Thank you for the comments--which Kyle has read to me up until now--and the calls and texts and emails.  We have been encouraged in other ways as well.  The Christian community has been such a blessing to us!  It is overwhelming!

By the way, I do have a bald head again.  The doctor told me that a little more than half of my hair would be shaved--all of the front and most of the right side so I requested they take off the rest.  Hair is just not so important to me anymore, but it can be startling to someone seeing me at first, particularly right now with stitches all over my head!

My neurosurgeon stopped in this evening.  He will let us know tomorrow morning of the venous stent is a possibility for me.  That would be so wonderful!  We will know more on Saturday regarding the infection and what the long range plan is.  Probably the biggest question will be whether I should stay in Maryland until the next surgery or if I could come home and then fly back here again for the next surgery.  I suspect Kyle will fly back home on Tuesday regardless of what we decide that I need to do.  Please keep us in prayer as we make these big decisions.

The Lord has been faithful.  This hasn't been easy and I have had some pretty deep periods of discouragement but we continue moving forward and trusting that God is in control of all things!

Wed AM

The MRI did not get done yesterday.  They are taking her right now for that.  She is fighting some nausea and head pain trying to keep those two items under control.  The MRI will take a little time and hoping she will be back up in the room later this morning.  Hopefully by tonight we will be getting some answers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tues Afternoon

As the day goes by Cindy continues to improve little by little and head in the right direction.  We are still waiting for the MRI to get done this afternoon.  The spinal tap was done and all I can say is that they know how to do spinal taps over here.  I think we are going to hire the guy (Dave) to do all her spinal taps from now on.  Her opening pressure was a 20 which is a little high.  They took a little bit of fluid out and about an hour later she said she is could tell a difference.  Hopefully tonight or tomorrow we will here about the report of the shunt test with infection and how long she will need antibiotics again.  

Tuesday morning

Cindy called us late last night and was in alot of pain, very emotional and discouraged.  They had just gotten her into a private room and brought Kyle a cot so he could spend the night with her.  We've talked to both of them again this morning.  Cindy sounded much better than last night but still in quite a bit of pain.  They are going to do an MRI today to see if the venous stent would work and she is already scheduled for a spinal tap at 11:00, and she said she was just going to deal with that also.  The spinal tap is one of her least favorite things, a very painful and uncomfortable thing to have but something she is going to have to have quite often to deal with the high pressure.
We keep asking God why Cindy has to keep going through so much, she has gone through so much pain the last few years.  She just wants to be better and live a normal life.  We keep praying that this will be the end of her struggles.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  She loves to read your emails and what you write on this blog.  It's what keeps her going and encouraged in these difficult times.  So if you feel like writing to her I encourage you to do so.
Thanks for all your support,

Monday, February 27, 2012

Surgery Update

I'm not sure when Kyle will be able to update this, so I will give a quick update.  Cindy has been out of surgery for awhile and has alot of pain in her head so has been in recovery all this time, but should be moving to her room soon.  Whenever they work in the brain it still is more of a major surgery. I hope and pray that they will be able to help control the pain of now both the pain from the surgery and the increased pressure from the spinal fluid.
Please pray that God will give her the strength and courage to endure the next many weeks of the headache pain.

Surgery today

I (Cindy's mom) just got off the phone with Cindy and I'll try to write what she told me.  She is scheduled for surgery this afternoon at 2:30 but they are running a little late.  She has been having tests, x-rays and visited with the dr  this morning.  With the one blood test they run which is a very sensitive test, they did find a low grade infection.  As Cindy has stated before the pain moves around in her abdomen.  When they did an x-ray last week and again this morning, they asked her both times where her pain was and it was exactly where the end of her shunt tube was which also told them there was an infection in her shunt system.  It's something the dr has seen many times and is very familiar with.  They will do more testing and see just what she needs for anitbiotics and she will be on that for a minimum of 8 weeks.

Without the shunt, the headache will be back.  She can get a spinal tap when needed to drain fluid to relieve some of the pain.  She can probably come home and take the oral medication here.

The neurosurgeon she visited with this morning also brought up the possibility of what is called a venus stent which could take the place of the shunt, but didn't know if she would be  a very good candidate for this.  They have only done 15 of these but 14 of the 15 have worked.  They are going to do an MRI to see if the vein in her neck would work for this.  Let's hope and pray this will and she could get rid of the shunts.  If this is a possibility,this procedure would also have to wait until the infection is gone. 

Cindy will be in alot of pain for the next weeks but has 100% confidence in the drs there and is ready to deal with the pain again.  The surgery isn't a major one which always helps and she will lose her hair again which to her just isn't a big deal.  They will put titanium plates over the holes in her skull for now and if she needs the shunt again they can be removed.  They do need to take the tubes out of her ventricles, but the dr is confident he can put those back in also.

Thanks to all for all your concerns and prayers,

Sunday, February 26, 2012


The Lord's day once again.  We stayed in our room today and listened to a sermon online.  My pain continues to grow so it is good that something will be done tomorrow.  I don't think that I would be able to be home much longer with the pain.

I have to admit that it is very frustrating to me that we finally have gotten my head to a decent level of tolerable headache and now to have abdominal problems.  It seems so minor in comparison to my head issues, and although the pain is pretty strong it is still so much easier to deal with than my headaches.  If only I could have some good months instead of now, after such a short time of a tolerable head, to have to go backwards so far.  I just have a hard time even imagining going back to having the strong, intractable headache.  I would do nearly anything to avoid going back to that.  It is so discouraging to think that tomorrow I may have to give up having a clear head just to relieve abdominal pain when I would choose the abdominal pain any day over the headache.  I just shake my head thinking about it and then decide to put it out of my mind to deal with when we get there.

We had a visitor last night and another today.  Both couples brought a meal, which was so nice!  Last night Harry & Dori ate with us and encouraged us.  This afternoon Austin and Bethany spent time here and were also an encouragement.  They left food for a meal and a few extras for breakfast.  So nice to know a few people here!

We have not talked much about what is coming tomorrow, although we have a lot of questions to ask before we proceed. I am pretty sure we will proceed with some type of surgery because the abdominal pain is becoming to strong to live with much longer.  Hopefully Kyle will update the blog tomorrow night with the direction we chose and the results of the surgery.  We covet your prayers!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


We have some big decisions to make and we covet your prayers.

The doctor called last night.  He is proposing that we move forward with a surgery on Monday afternoon.  He suspects that there is an infection or bacteria that has gotten into my shunt but it is hard to say where.  So he wants to pull the entire shunt out, including the parts in my brain.  Then he would put me on an antibiotic regimen and wait for 8 weeks to be sure that I am entirely clear.  I would then be required to have a spinal tap once every week to see what my pressure is doing.

This is very scary and overwhelming for us.  We have a lot of questions that we will need to ask before we move forward with this surgery.  We meet with him Monday morning at 10:00.  The thought of living with the awful headache for 8 weeks is daunting.  Even worse, we have been told by multiple doctors that my ventricles are "slit ventricles" meaning that they are extraordinarily small.  We have been told that it may be impossible to get the tubing back into my ventricles because of the size.  We are afraid to put me into that position.  Even if they were able to get the tubing in, I had to have 4 pretty major surgeries last time because when the tubing was placed my ventricles collapsed and they needed to be replaced.

So a lot to comprehend and deal with.  If we were to agree to do this surgery, the next question would be if I would dare to go back home during this time.  If history repeats itself, my head could become very bad.  We are afraid that if I would go home and my health declines it may be difficult to get me back here.

Many questions and a lot of fear.  My abdomen continues to be quite painful.  I am now taking pretty strong pain  meds to keep things tolerable.  I have my wheelchair so Kyle might take me out for a walk in a little while.  The temperature here is in the 50's today and when we flew in it was 65, so very mild.

We will not have to move now.  The lady that runs this place we are living in recognized that I am not very mobile and rearranged things so that we can stay in this room indefinitely.  We have our name on the waiting list for the place that my mom stayed in when we were here in December.  That place is a little less expensive and a little more private.  There are several people ahead of us on the waiting list.  Some have asked if there is a Ronald McDonald house here but we wouldn't qualify because it requires that you have a child that is ill rather than an adult.  Kyle picked up a loaf of bread and cheese for sandwiches which helps.

Please pray for wisdom and peace.  We trust the doctors and they have been very respectful.  However, we need to be discerning.  This plan was different than what we anticipated and much more difficult to deal with.  Last night was tough and a lot of tears were shed.  Today we are trying to think through things and determine the questions we need to ask.  My situation has been difficult but this is increasing the challenges and difficulties.

Friday, February 24, 2012


I am  totally losing track of time and had to work to remember what day it is today!

We went to the neurosurgeons office at 8:00 this morning and waited because we didn't hear anything last night.  At about 10:00 they worked us in and then ordered an abdominal x-ray and blood work.  We don't have any more answers at this point.  After the tests were done, we went back to the doctor but he had already left.  We talked to the P.A. and she told us that he would look at the results of the tests and call us this weekend with the decision.  She also told us that surgery is tentatively scheduled for Monday afternoon--I think she said 1:30 or 2:30.  She wasn't able to tell us more than that.

I slept well last night for the most part.  This morning I struggled getting ready because the pain was pretty strong just walking the 10 steps into the bathroom.  After a little bit it settled down, though, and has been much more tolerable.  The only bad thing is that I would prefer for the doctor to see me when it is really bad rather than when I am doing a little better.  Oh, well.  He was nice and willing to work with me again, which is such a relief.  I shouldn't, but I always worry about seeing a doctor.

So the Lord's timing was perfect.  We got out of town just before no travel was advised and we got here just when the pain became stronger.  Now we wait to see what happens next.

Pizza Ranch Tip Night

This is Cindys sister again.  The tip night for Cindy had to be moved to March 20th.  Sorry for the confusion!  Hope you all still can make it.  Thanks!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


This is Cindy writing, and we are in Baltimore.  We left town about 5:45 and didn't have any problems getting out or making our connecting flight.  It sounds like it became much worse after we left.

Congratulations to my sister, Renae and her husband!  After four daughters, they were blessed with a baby boy yesterday.  He was an unexpected but wonderful surprise!  His name is Cole John.  My stinker sister told all of us that she had a girl shortly after birth.  An hour later we all received a text saying "after further inspection. . . and there was a picture of a little boy--surprise!

I am having quite a bit of pain in my abdomen now.  It is usually localized in one place, but that place moves around a bit, which is strange.  I've also noticed that my belly is swelling a bit which is also kind of odd.

We checked into a place just a block from the hospital so if the pain becomes intolerable it will be easy to put me in the wheelchair and go in through the ER. (It sounds like a big group is coming in Sunday so we will probably have to move, but we will deal with that later)  We are waiting right now to hear from the doctor's office to see if that is what he wants us to do anyway or if we should wait to see him tomorrow. We came here this time without a specific appointment time but just were very concerned that if we didn't get out here quickly that I wouldn't be up to travel.  They have been pretty workable so far, though.  I am so praying that they can get to the bottom of this quickly!

It is really hard being here again.  I am just so weary of it all.  Last night I told Kyle that I really just didn't want to go.  The kids have their concert tonight (which just is cancelled now for weather), recital tomorrow and it is Riley's birthday on Sunday.  Today is Kyle's birthday.  And here we are again.  I trust that the Lord's plan is right, but it sure is hard.  I hope there is an end to this soon.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


A lot can change in one day.  Today we made the reservations to fly out to Baltimore tomorrow.  We have been concerned that if we wait to long, I won't be able to make the trip.  So everyone is scrambling to be ready for Kyle and I to be gone.  Tami will be staying at our house most of the time with the kids.

Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Well, I just found a surprise on my blog!  It is dangerous to let my sister have my password, I see.  :)  I'm not even sure what to say!

I haven't written today because I didn't hear anything again today.  So we continue to wait.  I suspect we will be heading to Baltimore soon.  My abdominal pain, although not quite as severe as yesterday, is still pretty strong.  Kyle is ready for me to get fixed, if for no other reason than he can get some sleep.  Evidently I am moaning in my sleep again and waking him up.  That isn't ever a great sign.  That being said, I would still choose this abdominal pain over my headache any day.  Thank you for the encouragement today through comments and email.  I am not going to lie and say that this is easy because it just isn't.  I am really tired and worn out and my family is as well.  Right now we are just clinging to the fact that God is good.

Pizza Ranch Tip Night March 6

So this is Cindy's sister hacking into her account.:)  She does not know this, but we are planning a tip night at Pizza Ranch for Cindy on March 6! This will help with her and Kyle's upcoming trip to John Hopkins University hospital and for all of her ongoing medical expenses.  We would love to have you join us and it would mean so much to Cindy, Kyle, and her family.  Thanks!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Today has not gone well and I am concerned.  I woke up at 3:00 this morning with strong pain in my abdomen and the pain has been pretty strong since.  I've been regularly taking pain medication and not moving much.  The waiting game is still being played as we wait to hear from Baltimore regarding the results of the blood test and the records that are being sent there.  I honestly am discouraged.  It really is beginning to feel like there isn't going to be an end to this.

Psalm 13
How long, O Lord?  Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I take counsel in my soul
and have sorrow in my heart all the day?
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?
Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;
light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death,
lest my enemy say, "I have prevailed over him,"
lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.
But I have trusted in your steadfast love;
my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
because He has dealt bountifully with me.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I was able to attend our church for the first time, and what a blessing!

My abdominal pain was strong yesterday so I finally broke down and took some pain medication.  I will probably continue using them as I need them just to get through the days.  I have become strangely adverse to taking pain medication so I am always reluctant to start them but a little prodding yesterday helped me make the decision that was best.  Today my abdomen is not hurting as much but now my head is bothering me more.  If it isn't one thing, it is another!  I suspect the coming storm has something to do with my head pain so I would assume that will feel better once the storm is here.  Day by day and hour by hour. . .

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I had a really good day yesterday!  The abdominal pain was lessened.  For lunch I went to the office for a short time to celebrate Joyce's birthday and last night Kyle and I celebrated Twila's birthday at a restaurant.  I stayed in my chair almost all of the time besides those times, but it was such a pleasure to get out a couple times. Celebrating is always fun.

Unfortunately, today I am having quite a bit of pain again.  So discouraging.  I called Johns Hopkins yesterday and they asked for blood work to be done with the results sent to them. So I am doing that this morning and then getting my medical records from the most recent surgeries sent to them as well.  Please pray that this will just resolve itself or have a simple fix.  I am just not up to dealing with more right now!

Friday, February 17, 2012


I continue to have to lay low most of the day or I continue to have abdominal pain.  More activity definitely causes more pain.  I would really like to be up more in an attempt to begin regaining strength but that doesn't seem to be a possibility right now, so I continue to wait.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Now I know I am losing track of time!  I accidentally first labeled today as Tuesday.

On Tuesday I intentionally did not move from my chair much at all.  I tried not to get up and down or move around much and the pain was significantly improved.  So I think that the answer to my problem is that, although I wasn't doing much, it was still to much.  So the kids come to me if they  need something, I am not doing much in the kitchen and I am just in general acting lazy even though that drives me crazy!

Today we had our tax appointment so not quite as relaxing and I'm feeling okay but not as good as yesterday.  It seems that my body is really just telling me that I need to take it slow and it isn't going to let me not listen.  :)

My eating is back to my normal and the nausea is gone.  I haven't taken a pain pill since Sunday, I think.  I am still taking ibuprofen now and then.

Yesterday and today the weepy stuff started again.  It seems that this is another part of my healing process and a part I don't like all that well.  It does just become an endurance contest in waiting for the healing to take place.  The Lord's timing is perfect and mine isn't but that isn't always so easy to remember as the time ticks by.  I do have to wonder sometimes how much more this body of mine can take.  My stomach looks like a war zone with scars all over it.  Thankfully my head is covered with hair right now so the scars on my head are mostly hidden and then there are several on my neck and chest.  I've not taken the time to count all of them, and I probably won't because it probably is something that would not perk up my spirits!  So for now, perhaps praying that I can cheer up a bit and have patience for the healing I am waiting for would be great!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Today hasn't been as good of a day again.  I am having more pain and my head isn't feeling as good.  I suspect my head is probably a combination of the weather and my abdomen hurting. My head isn't so concerning to me but I am really hoping this pain in my abdomen goes improves!  **One clarification--I think the abdominal pain is just surgical--it doesn't feel like the pain prior to surgery.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


This morning was disappointing because I was not able to attend our worship service.  I think I overdid it yesterday when I felt like I was turning around--a common mistake I make.  What did I do?  Well, besides having the kids around a portion of the day, I met my sisters for lunch and I made muffins.  Oops!  I probably should have done one or the other but not both, although neither of these seem like they should be that big of a deal.

Tonight I was able to attend a church service although I didn't attend our church.  Tanner plays the cello in a small group from school that played at a local church tonight so I wanted to listen to them.  Exhausting but I made it!

The other big improvement is that I am able to eat closer to normal, for me anyway.  I still have to watch things closely as I have since the pancreatitis in 2009 but I am accustomed to that.  As I was sitting in church tonight I remembered that a week ago today I was sitting in a hospital.  So I have definitely made some progress.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I finally turned the corner!  I am not doing jumping jacks or anything quite so fun, but today is the first day that I haven't, at this point, needed pain medication or the anti-nausea medication!  Wow!  That is an encouraging step!

We went to the movie and it went very well!  What at nice thing just to do a fun couples thing with friends.  It was really a treat!  I was pretty exhausted last night but honestly handled it better than I prepared for.  :)  I must have needed the rest, though, because I slept until 9:00 this morning and that isn't normal for me at all.  The bad part was that Tara was being picked up for tutoring by 9:30 so we had to scramble to get her out the door since "hurry" isn't in her vocabulary.  Kyle is having an extra special day today, too, by going ice fishing with my dad and a couple other guys.  He left at 4:30 this morning and I didn't even hear him go.

As someone said, the Lord really has blessed me with a desire to keep going, moving forward and doing as much as I can.  I can't take the credit for that at all but I am thankful.  Having four kids needing me and wanting me involved in their lives is a pretty big motivation.  Today I tackled making raspberry muffins.  For some reason, I have been wanting to make them all week but knew that it was going to be to  much.  It took all afternoon, but the are in the oven and I am going to go lay down!  God is good!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Another day that just hasn't been quite as good.  One of these morning I hope I wake up feeling noticeably improved.

I am just now switching pain medication to see if that will help.  Last night I woke up during the night because of the pain, so I know that I can't quit taking them yet.  Mid morning I was struck with strong nausea as well which may be my fault because I didn't take the anti-nausea med this morning hoping I wouldn't need it.  So I will continue trying a few things and one of these days I will be better.  The positive note is that I am moving around more and better although I have a ways to go in that area.  :)

All is not gloom and doom, though!  I ventured out today (didn't drive, of course) and had my hair cut.  That felt good, both to get it cut and to get out.  Tonight I am perhaps being foolish, but it doesn't matter!  I have been waiting to feel better for quite some time to go to watch a movie with Kyle.  Well, Valentines day is coming and so is his birthday, so we decided that I will medicate and go to a movie no matter what!  Tonight is the night and a friend couple is going with us so I am super excited about that!  So much for waiting until I am better--every time that seems within reach I have a setback, so it is best to just go and find enjoyment in the moment even if may include some pain.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I am still struggling with pain.  Usually I try to be off of pain meds by now but I just can't get there quite yet.  That is a little frustrating to me as well as finding that I am not coming out of this as quickly as I thought I might.  So each day is an exercise in patience knowing that I will get there but just not on my timetable.  I have five incisions, four of them on my abdomen but they are all small--maybe around an inch each--which makes it seem like this should be a little easier recovery.  The odd thing is that often the pain is in my lower abdomen and not on one of the incisions.  Perhaps they did a little tugging around or something that is bothering me.

I am still taking short  naps in the morning so I must still need a little extra.  Nausea has continued to be a problem as well, but I have medication for that when it starts to bother me more.

Last night I was treated to a bunch of "heart" cards from Unity students expressing their concern and offering words of comfort and prayer.  I have been so blessed by so many people that it is overwhelming to think about!  What an encouragement it continues to be to know that people continue to care!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


It is so good to be home!  Along with it comes being very overwhelmed, but I know to expect that.  Things are going well and the kids are happy to have me home.  I can feel that it is going to take me a little longer to get myself built back up this time.  My abdomen is still rather painful and I am struggling with nausea off and on. 

After watching Kyle get the kids out the door for school and then taking a shower I was so wiped that I took a nap the rest of the morning!  :)   So it is going to be a time thing again.  The last two surgeries had been a little bit easier, but I think this time they did a little more prodding around my abdomen.  When they threaded the tubing down from my collarbone they stayed on the right side but when they found adhesions they decided to loop it over to the left side below the rib bone in hopes of keeping things "cleaner."

I am eager to get out, though, so I am hoping to get a ride in the car around town and maybe even a wheelchair ride around Wal-Mart in the next few days.  I know, my expectations aren't so high, but it really does feel good just to be out of the hospital!  Tonight Tara has tutoring so Kyle will be bringing her up, but we only have a few times of her tutoring left, too.  Not sure what the next evenings will bring, but quiet days at home are what I really need just to start strengthening up again.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Going home!

Change of plans!  Usually medical things seem to go so slowly, but not now!  The nurse just noticed a change in orders and I am going home this afternoon!  I am so excited and ready to get home!  What a nice surprise to go home earlier than I expected rather than later.  :)


I am feeling better today!  I have needed some pain medication, but things are going significantly better.  The best part?  A shower!  What a wonderful thing it is to be allowed to take a shower.  Although the ns didn't come in today, the charge nurse was willing to make the call to allow it so I am feeling like a new woman!  :)

It is looking like tomorrow is going to be the big day for me to come home.  There isn't any reason to believe that it would be extended beyond tomorrow unless some cultures would come back positive.  The infectious disease doctor stopped by this morning and hadn't seen the results of the new cultures, but it seems likely they should be fine.  Unless something changes--which can happen I know very well--tomorrow should be the day!

I don't remember if I wrote about this, but my left hand has been quite tender and swollen.  I had two iv's blow in that hand with one of them pumping antibiotics at the time.  Today I am finally seeing the swelling decrease and, although tender, not as much as it had been.  I'm not sure if it was Tuesday or Wednesday that this happened.  Minor in all that is happening, it has been an irritant that is improving, for which I am thankful.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sabbath day continued

I am picking up this evening so I thought I would write just a couple minutes again just because I can!  Today was a rougher day with quite a bit of pain.  Finallly tonight I was able to get myself up without help which feels like an accomplishment.  I decided to try sitting in the chair again and this time went considerably better than this morning.  :)  My mistake was that while enjoying being out of bed so much I stayed in my chair for to long and let the pain grow to much, so I couldn't get out of it again.  So I called for pain meds and I am starting to feel better so I will type for a couple minutes and then get ready to call it a night.

My primary reason for wanting to write is that I wanted to share a scripture that a dear lady shared with me this last week. So, since the pain meds have kicked in I was able to pick up the computer and sharing this today seemed especially appropriate.

Habakkuk 3:17-19
Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor the fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may mail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.

The Lord God is my strength;
He will make my feet like deer's feet,
And He will make me walk on my high hills.

This is such a comfort to me as my health situation has been so complex and difficult and pain dogs my path.  But I will still rejoice in the God of my salvation!  This life seems to stretch out, long and difficult.  Yet this life is fleeting and my salvation is forever!  I can endure these pain filled days knowing that God is my right hand and has each step ordered for me.  And on a lighter note, having "deer's feet" today as I at times couldn't lift my feet for pain sounds delightful!  :)

Have a blessed Sabbath rest!


I am sorry I am so slow to update my blog.  I really should have asked someone to update it but I didn't think of it.

The surgery went well.  We are thankful that it is done and that now I will be able to move forward.  The shunt tubing was internalized and replaced from the anti-siphoning device down.  The only bad news in the deal is that there are some adhesions developing again which they left alone since nothing is happening with them right now.

I had more pain yesterday and am still moving slowly today.  I tried sitting up in a chair this morning but became nauseated very quickly so I have been down the rest of the day besides bathroom breaks.  I'm not getting up completely on my own yet, but anticipate tomorrow will be much better.  I have four small incisions on my abdomen and they opened the same incision by my collarbone as well.  Today has been a day of laying and sleeping away most of the day.  Kyle and the kids just came here so I had him give me the computer so I could update. 

Thank you for continued prayers and notes of support.  I am so eager to get home, so if the cultures come back negative after this test, which I anticipate, it still sounds like Tuesday or maybe even Monday I will come home.  It feels so good to see and end in sight!  I won't push it faster than I should but I really think this recovery shouldn't be bad at all after this first day after surgery is past.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Surgery today!

The neurosurgeon stopped by my room late last night and told me that they have now decided to schedule surgery today for 2:00!  What a rollercoaster ride!  We were expecting it sometime the beginning of next week, but I am very happy to be moving forward.  The doctors are very concerned about putting the tubing back into my abdomen because this is the third episode I have had with my abdomen causing problems with the shunt.  However, the next option is draining it into the jugular vein directly then into my heart which means that if I develop an infection it will be spread through my body very quickly.  They really don't like that, so we are going to try the abdomen once again. 

I am hoping this is a good decision, but they are just replacing the tubing from the anti-siphoning device by my collarbone and down.  Normally all the tubing is replaced but they decided since infection was not found that it would be safe to do this.  I am a little nervous, but it will be an easier surgery than replacing it from my head down and it will save my hair--although that is about the bottom of my priority list at this point!  :)

They predict that I will be released on Tuesday because they would like to do three days of anti-biotics following surgery.

Please pray that the surgery is successful, that my abdomen stays clear long term of infection, that there is no danger in replacing the tubing just from my neck and down and that I can just stay healthy for a longer while!  :)  Thanks!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday continued

Thankfully we were able stop the experiment.  In the meantime the shunt was clamped as a "surprise" and I got to feeling pretty miserable again.  Thankfully I was able to correctly identify what was happening which hopefully will confirm to the ns that the shunt really is necessary despite the fact that I don't fit the description of a person with this. 

So I was blessed to visit with Kyle and the kids this evening and now I am going to get ready for bed.  I am exhausted!


Another challenging day.  The doctors "concocted" a new experiment that we have decided to put a stop to.  Quite frustrating and it seems as though they are treating me as a silly child.  After discussing things with family, we are pushing that they discontinue this and let me move on to the point the shunt can be replaced.

The day has buzzed by again with a visitor this morning again and Karleen stopping for a few minutes.  If the weather stays okay Kyle is hoping to come by with the kids tonight.  We'll see how that all works out.  So we continue moving forward, moment by moment and day by day.  God is in control of all things, and I trust that He will work all of this out for my good.  What would I ever do without the comfort only He can provide?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am back online!!  Thank you so much for all the comments and other ways that you have all supported my family and I through prayers, visits and so many other things!  As I've said, knowing people care means so very much to all of us!

Well, Kyle visited for a bit this afternoon-an extended lunch break. 
This morning I continued to have a strong headache.  The neurosurgeon wanted to wait through the weekend before opening the shunt to see how I would respond.  After much thought, prayer and talking with family we decided to have it opened late this morning.  That is what it took and I am now feeling so well that I don't feel like I really belong in a hospital (if it weren't for the things connecting me to an iv pole, that is). 

This has been hugely difficult and yesterday my head really hurt and I was overwhelmed with frustration.  First, we don't know what caused the intense pain in my abdomen because the cultures came back negative and are finalized.  That being said the doctors in Baltimore told us that an infection in the shunt can take 5-7 days to show up--evidently they can be a little more difficult to find & diagnose.  So we won't know the answer to this and it begs the question of whether we did the right thing.  I have decided not to let myself go there anymore because we made the best decision that we could at the time and I am leaving it at that.

The shunt has been a very difficult thing as well.  The neurosurgeon here is quite kindly but firmly insistant that I do not need the shunt.  He would like to pull it all out and have me done with it.  That sounds wonderful and I would so like to be done with the shunt!  Putting it in the history book for me would be just amazingly wonderful.  However, without the shunt I have a headache that makes functioning difficult if not impossible.  Clinically, it does not make sense that I have the pseudotumor cerebri.  But I just can't live with the headache that the shunt at the right setting so far has been able to control, not perfectly, but much better than I can live without.  So we finally called it quits to the experiment of living without the shunt by having it shut off (possible only when externalized) and I am feeling amazingly good!  I continue to question myself, wondering if it could be psychological.  Am I thinking myself into a headache?  But it just can't be.  For example, today I really didn't expect to have any relief until this evening but I started feeling gradually better already about 1.5 hours after it was opened.  Now I feel like a new woman!

So it has been a difficult walk with difficult decisions.  Making a decision that is contrary to the decision of a neurosurgeon is not something to take lightly and it really has been hard for me.  I am the type of person that likes to obey the rules and do what I am told.  If I could find a way to live without it, I would very quickly!

The primary reason they would like to pull the shunts out is because they are problematic generally and have been very problematic with me.  If my calculations are correct, I have had 12 surgeries (with another coming in the next week) in the last 4 years, one being chiari surgery and the rest are in one way or another shunt related.  Not cool and definitely makes having a shunt sobering for me.  So very heavy decisions and heartrending for me to trust that we are making the right decision again.

Well,  this has become a book and I am pouring out perhaps more emotion than I should.  This is such a healing way for me to deal with all of this by writing and expressing how I am feeling!  I continue to rest in the Lord, though, and trust Him.  He is providing in so many ways so I continue to have many things to be thankful for in this difficult situation.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Head and Stomach

Cultures are still coming back negative for infection but they continue to give her antibiotics.  Her stomach is feeling better with less pain.  Wish that was the same for her head.  Today was not a good head day as the headache gets stronger and stronger as the day progressed.  The NS wants to keep the shunt clamped off yet tonight.  Sounds like it will be next week before they do anything with the shunt.