Sunday, November 28, 2010


I am thankful! After having a fairly strong headache Thursday and Friday, I woke up Saturday with the headache back to a more tolerable level. Oh, what a relief! I always know that it probably is temporary but in the back of my mind I am wondering if I am heading back down the difficult road that we have experienced before. Having another surgery just doesn't sound that appealing!

So Saturday was a good day. I did some Christmas baking with the kids and they really enjoyed frosting and decorating. What a blessing to be able to do these activities with the kids!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that today was a blessed day for all. What a wonderful thing to have a day set aside to specifically be thankful and think about our blessings. God is good and all of these blessing have come from Him.

We had a very good day today with Kyle's side of the family at our home. They were wonderful in bringing a lot of food to share and we had a very nice day relaxing together.

The only challenge has been that once again I woke with a little stronger headache. Tolerable but just not so good. So I stayed away from a lot of the activity and layed down for a little while during dishes time. Not ideal, but could have been worse.

Tomorrow my sisters are going black Friday shopping early tomorrow. I was invited, but I knew I wouldn't be able to go even if my head was better. After they are done shopping, they will be together doing some baking. Oh, I would just love to do that, but probably not feasible either. With all the little ones running around and 13 kids in the house plus adults, it will just be more than I can handle. I am sad about it, though. I really dislike missing out on things, particularly whe I would really enjoy it if I could be there! Oh, well. It could be worse.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I seem to jump to conclusions when I have a better day. My head has been bothering me a little more the last days. I really don't know why. The weather seems steadier today but it hasn't helped much.

I am very thankful that I am able to be a part of the Thanksgiving celebration, though. I remember at least once staying home by myself while the rest of my family went off to celebrate elsewhere so that I had needed quiet.

This time of year is sometimes a little discouraging, too. There is so much happening and I feel like I can't keep up with it all. There are things that I would really like to do that I physically just can't do. I love being active and involved and I just can't do that. I try to remain thankful for those things I can do but I struggle.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Well, I just wrote a long post about this last week and it disappeared! My internet isn't working very well today. I assumed that it would save te draft like usual but it didn't!

I am doing ok. It seems that my head has been a little more stable the last few days, which is good. Hopefully as fall is drawing to a close, my head will become a little more level as well.

There has been a lot happening the last little while. Evening meetings and events seem to drain me the most, and I had a few again this week. The week was topped off with a wonderful event, though. Both Tanner and Kylie qualified for the state Honor's Orchestra in Ames. So a big day driving there and back yesterday! We are thankful for the gifts the Lord has granted them musically and we're thankful for this opportunity that they had to use those gifts. Tanner has qualified before so this was our third time to drive for this event. I am thankful to say that I felt better this time than I have the previous two years we attended. They both really enjoyed playing with so many that were more advanced in their playing skills and remarked that it was pretty cool to play with others that are very focused on the conductor and at improving their skills. The concert was remarkable!

I am quite exhausted today, though! I am sitting quietly and resting as much as I can this morning because sadly we will be attending the funeral of Kyle's aunt this afternoon. It is still rather amazing to me that I can become so exhausted!

One of the evening activities that I was involved in this week is a Bible study. We are studying a very good book by Jerry Bridges called Respectable Sins. Very thought-provoking. This week's lesson was about Pride and Selfishnes. It has been very good for me to read this and contemplate how sinful I am even when I don't realize that I am sinning. Self reflection is important and realizing and studying the depth of my sin helps me realize what an incredible gift salvation is! One of the things we reflected on regarding pride is talking about things that we or our children accomplish without acknowledging that those gifts are from God. So I am going to try to be more faithful in that. God has given us so many gifts and how often do we take the credit for the accomplishments we attain without recognizing that they would be impossible without the gifts God has given us. So I am going to work on this area in my life. What a good reminder to me to be thankful in all things!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Well, I have been doing ok. Today has not been very good and I am sure the changing weather has much to do with it. I've been a little nervous about this weekend because there is a lot going on.

As a whole it seems that the headaches have maybe increased just a small notch but I have times that are much better than others. Right now my head is hurting enough to make me feel like not moving much. I would love to just reach inside my head and take out the part that hurts--sounds weird but . . .

It is still hard to answer people when they ask how I am feeling. Many times people really don't want to know--it is just a standard greeting it seems. When someone really wants to know I don't want to complain so much because I am obviously better than I was a couple years ago. That being said, I don't feel so honest in saying that I am good because I really am not that either. This has been a bit of a dilemna over time. When I do answer honestly, what do I say? Bad but good? Good but not so great? Could be better, could be worse? I think I look more "normal" so it appears that I am doing just fine until I am seen plugging my ears when a crowd is talking loudly or clapping. I do wonder if people that don't know my situation think I am rather odd when I plug my ears or can't concentrate on a conversation when there are other things going on around me. Oh, well. It could be worse. I could be stuck in my room with no noise and still hurting like crazy.