Friday, November 1, 2013


I can't believe it has been this long since I have written on my blog!  I just looked at it and realized that I have been pulled into a few too many directions and therefore have forgotten about my blog.  Evidently that means that I am making progress and not needing this as an outlet.  More likely it may indicate that I am just overwhelmed and haven't gotten to this.

My head continues to give me challenges but for the most part it is doable.  We've noticed that I've needed to have shots for pain more frequently in the last few months but I think part of that is that I am a little quicker to use them.  The doctor here just says to use them when it starts getting a little stronger so I've done that.  Fall seems to once again have caused me challenges.  It seems that the change of weather just sets my head off and that is frustrating. I just told Kyle the other day that I dream of waking up one morning and not having a headache at all.  That would be so amazing and such an answer to many prayers.  But so far the Lord is saying no so we continue on.

Our kids still seem to be having challenges which were most likely aggravated by my ongoing medical issues in past years.  Two seem to be doing better and two are really struggling.  That is so hard!

Kyle's dad recently had open heart surgery at age 80.  The surgery went well but the recovery is very slow for him.  My dad has cancer and has completed the first steps of chemo and radiation.  He will be having a major surgery in a month and then more chemo after that.  Many people are struggling around us.  Life is so full of pain and hard times. 

Each day is a challenge, some more than others.  Our dreams of me being healed and entering life that is a bit more normal and spending time with friends occasionally just doesn't seem to be becoming a reality.  I am sad but I think we have accepted where we are and moving forward.   It is reassuring to know that this is God's plan for us and not just random events.  Not our first choice, but that is okay.

If anyone is still reading this, please continue to pray for my headaches to disappear and pray for our family.  Thank you!