Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Homeward Bound!!

I just spoke with Cindy and they are on their way home! She is feeling better today than she has so far since surgery, her voice was normal again this morning, which for her is a a good sign, it tells us she is truly feeling better!

The Doctor said the nausea that she has been dealing with since the surgery could be from overdraining, but didn't want to adjust the shunt up yet thinking her body will adjust to that. That is still a better problem to have than too much pressure. He thinks if this shunt will go well for 3 to 6 months, it should be good possibly indefinately. She has talked about a good portion of her scalp being numb, the Dr said they had to put an incision in her neck this time to get the tube down to her stomach, and they could have cut through some nerves in her neck, but that feeling should eventually come back. Cindy has said her neck was very sore, black and blue and swollen this time which she did not have last time.

As parents we are rejoicing that there is a light again showing through this long dark time in our daughter's life. We know so many people have been praying for Cindy, Kyle and their family, and we would also like to say how much we have appreciated all your prayers for them. We know that it was only through God that Cindy was lead to Dr. Heffez, and it will only be through Him that she will be healed. We will continue to pray that her recovery will be complete, but also know that she has been through alot, and will be thankful for whatever she is given. As long as the headaches stay away that is a tremendous blessing in itself.

Thanks again to EVERYONE for all your prayers and support!

Marvin and Kathy Kaptein (Cindy's parents)


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Looking forward to seeing both of you when you get back.
Safe travels to both of you!

Mary and Lyle said...

Thanks Marv and Kathy for the update. We have been remembering you in our prayers too because it is so difficult for you to see your daughter suffer. We are praying for the whole family and we truly pray that this is the answer and that Cindy can focus on getting better. We are so glad her voice sounded strong as that is usually a VERY good indicator of how she is feeling. We hope they have a good trip back today.

Thinking of you all!

Miriam said...

Hope you arrived home safely, we're continuing to up hold you in prayer.
Oh, and my vote, keep the hair, from what I see in the photos, it isn't that bad...!