Sunday, February 3, 2013


Life has continued to be rather crazy, but perhaps it will slow down?

Yesterday the craziness caught up with me again.  I woke up with my head hurting pretty badly and then the nausea hit a few hours later.  I went to bed and slept for a few hours.  When I woke up the nausea had improved but my head had not so Kyle gave me a shot.  It helped considerably--enough that I could go to the concert that Tanner and Kylie were involved in.  :)

This week was brutal, though, watching the drill team perform both Tuesday evening and Friday evening.  I also bumped my head Friday evening which is never good for me and may have been what spurred the big headache on Saturday.  This poor head of mine is as fragile as an egg, it seems!

We so appreciate the prayers and concern that people have continued to express to our family!  What a blessing it is to hear from so many that they continue to pray for us and think about us.  A group of dear ladies from Redeemer made us meals again which is such an amazing thing!  We attempt to live life as normally as we can but it has been a struggle and seeing and hearing that people still care is just overwhelming and such a blessing.  Thank you so much!