Friday, March 27, 2009

Better day

I am thankful to say that today has been a better day. I can't say that the pain in my stomach or head is much better but it is tolerable. I am taking only 4 pain pills a day--not to bad I think. The nausea is much better today and I haven't needed to take anti-nausea meds today--a big improvement! But best of all, I just feel better. I don't feel so exhausted and yuck. I still have a long ways to go--but I feel like I have just passed another little hurdle in the journey.


Anonymous said...

Many prayers are being answered. Wonderful news!


Mary and Lyle said...

HEy Cindy,

So glad to hear that today was a pretty good day for you. I'm so thankful to hear that! I bet it was SOOO good to get back home and see the kids! Have you been able to spend time with them in small doses? I'm praying for continuted recovery. Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I'm a fellow CMer, and want you to know that I'm thinking of you, following your blog, and praying for this to be your last big hurdle for a VERY long time. I read quite a bit of your blog, and I think you're an inspriration and a bad@ss. Can I say that on here? Well, it's a fact. :) Hang in there girl. God Bless.