Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Now I know I am losing track of time!  I accidentally first labeled today as Tuesday.

On Tuesday I intentionally did not move from my chair much at all.  I tried not to get up and down or move around much and the pain was significantly improved.  So I think that the answer to my problem is that, although I wasn't doing much, it was still to much.  So the kids come to me if they  need something, I am not doing much in the kitchen and I am just in general acting lazy even though that drives me crazy!

Today we had our tax appointment so not quite as relaxing and I'm feeling okay but not as good as yesterday.  It seems that my body is really just telling me that I need to take it slow and it isn't going to let me not listen.  :)

My eating is back to my normal and the nausea is gone.  I haven't taken a pain pill since Sunday, I think.  I am still taking ibuprofen now and then.

Yesterday and today the weepy stuff started again.  It seems that this is another part of my healing process and a part I don't like all that well.  It does just become an endurance contest in waiting for the healing to take place.  The Lord's timing is perfect and mine isn't but that isn't always so easy to remember as the time ticks by.  I do have to wonder sometimes how much more this body of mine can take.  My stomach looks like a war zone with scars all over it.  Thankfully my head is covered with hair right now so the scars on my head are mostly hidden and then there are several on my neck and chest.  I've not taken the time to count all of them, and I probably won't because it probably is something that would not perk up my spirits!  So for now, perhaps praying that I can cheer up a bit and have patience for the healing I am waiting for would be great!

1 comment:

Carey said...

Will definitely pray! Think of your scars as badges of honor for all you've endured and all the people you've inspired while doing so. Cuz you have!