Friday, February 10, 2012


Another day that just hasn't been quite as good.  One of these morning I hope I wake up feeling noticeably improved.

I am just now switching pain medication to see if that will help.  Last night I woke up during the night because of the pain, so I know that I can't quit taking them yet.  Mid morning I was struck with strong nausea as well which may be my fault because I didn't take the anti-nausea med this morning hoping I wouldn't need it.  So I will continue trying a few things and one of these days I will be better.  The positive note is that I am moving around more and better although I have a ways to go in that area.  :)

All is not gloom and doom, though!  I ventured out today (didn't drive, of course) and had my hair cut.  That felt good, both to get it cut and to get out.  Tonight I am perhaps being foolish, but it doesn't matter!  I have been waiting to feel better for quite some time to go to watch a movie with Kyle.  Well, Valentines day is coming and so is his birthday, so we decided that I will medicate and go to a movie no matter what!  Tonight is the night and a friend couple is going with us so I am super excited about that!  So much for waiting until I am better--every time that seems within reach I have a setback, so it is best to just go and find enjoyment in the moment even if may include some pain.


Anonymous said...

Sure hope your pain leaves you sooner than later! Praying for regained strength too. :)


Anonymous said...

Cindy- I know prayers are being answered for you, because it never ceases to amaze me how much spunk you have to "get going"! With the recent history of pain, surgery and travel again, you spend a few days resting and are UP again! Hope you do keep improving, and improving, ...but give yourself some time!!! :) Love to all of you...Millie and Cam

Carey said...

Hope you had a wonderful time and it was totally worth any extra pain later. {{hugs}}

Anonymous said...

It was lots of fun Cindy! Hope you are not paying for it today. Please let us know how you are doing today. Love ya!
