Monday, April 13, 2009


Today I am going to Sioux City because I qualify, due to my medical condition, for a free wig. So next time you see me maybe I will have hair! This will be a big day out for me! However, this will be a practice run for me because on Thursday I have to take a continuing ed computer course in Sioux City to maintain my license. I only have a 3 month window to take this so I decided that taking it early just in case would be wise. Then next week I have a compliance course in Sioux Falls that is required once a year. I could take that next week or in May but again trying to get things done "just in case." So hopefully my body and my mind are ready for a few challenges!


Anonymous said...

I am excited for you to get a free wig! Hopefully this will be a good experience for you. Also, I am grateful you had a good Easter with your family and your church family. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

enjoy your new isn't just everyday, us ladies can get a whole new look! :-) praying for God's sustaining powers on your upcoming classes...May He give you strength, wisdom, and an A+!

Through Him, Who loves us so much...