Monday, April 6, 2009

Church & Three Weeks

I made it to church last night and what a blessing! I think I cried through nearly half of it. We started with a song service and sang "Great is thy Faithfulness" and "What a Friend we have in Jesus" and then to top it off my favorite "When Peace Like a River". I hadn't thought of the emotions of going until we started singing and then I couldn't shut off the faucet. :) Until the privilege of worshipping together is taken away I think you often don't realize what a privilege it is. Enjoy and appreciate the privilege!

By the time the service was done I was pretty tired, but it was very well worth the tiredness. Tuesday night Tanner is in a musical and I hope to attend that as well.

Today it has been 3 weeks since my most recent surgery. This is a time of concern because I did really well for about 3-4 weeks after my first shunt was placed before I started going downhill. Please continue to pray that I continue to improve and not have a recurrence. Thanks! :)


Anonymous said...

Still praying daily for your continued healing. Glad to hear that you got out of the house and were able to enjoy a worship service. You are right, we do take those things for granted!
Take Care~

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a great day! Encouraging to hear that you were able to attend church. I have had several services that touched me so much I cried more than I didn't. I think that's when we know that God is speaking a louder to us! Sometimes I feel like I am the only one in the church! What an amazing feeling! Hope each day gets better!


Emily said...

It was so good to see you in church with you family on Sunday night! I was so excited! :) I'm praying for you all the time! Hope to see you there again!!!
Emily DV