Thursday, April 23, 2009

Not so great

I am longing for normalcy. Tonight I went to HyVee for the first time in many months and followed Kyle while he got the groceries. I probably shouldn't have, but. . .

Overall, yesterday was a pretty good day. Surprising after having a big day the day before. Today, however, hasn't been as good. My lower abdomen is hurting a lot, my ears are ringing loudly and my head hurts.

Yes, you read correctly. The headaches are small compared to before surgery, but they are back and have been since a day or two before Good Friday. I just didn't want to say it or write it because denial works pretty well sometimes. The headache is the reason for the ct scan and trying the new drug. I can deal with it at the level it is, and even act normal much of the time but the moments I allow myself to think about it can be terrifying. I really don't like to talk about it so if you see me and ask how I am doing, I might not be entirely forthright about it. Please continue to pray.


Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers! I pray that the headaches stay tolerable, and the medication can help! It has been great seeing you in the office!

Anonymous said...

Praying for more normalcy in your life. Keep your chin up!

Through Him...

Mary and Lyle said...


You know our prayers continue to go with you daily. I find myself asking, "Why Lord? Why do these headaches always come back?" But, it is a such a comfort to know that the Lord's name is glorified in our health as well as our sicknesses. He has his perfect will and purpose in all our earthly struggles. Hold on to his promises, especially when you are terrified. And know how many people love you and care about you and continue to pray...
