Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another day. . .

Today has really been more of the same. It seems that the pain in my lower abdomin is a little more frequent and stronger, but I really think that will go away with time. The nausea is still bothering me but not quite as much today. I can tell that I am getting better, though, because I am starting to think more about things--like the office. I am not nearly well enough to get back into the swing of things but yet it is bothering me that I am not doing all the things that I normally do both at home and at work. Last night I tried to iron a couple things and pretty much layed me out flat the rest of the night--miserable. I thought that would be a non-strenous job! :)

I would really enjoy visitors if anyone has a few extra minutes in their days ahead. So far I am not able to do much yet but my mind is working much better which makes it more difficult to be here by myself so much of the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So nice to read your insert.. I can just hear the clearness in your thoughts, and voice. I bet you are just starving for company. Joyce and I would like to have lunch w/ you more often. It gives us a chance to visit w/ you too. I am sure that once a few more fellow bloggers read your entry they will be glad to stop over. I think they are waiting for the green light. Take Care today and hopefully the rest over the weekend will payoff for a start to a new week. Take care
