Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today I have appreciated not being nauseated.

I continue to walk, do little exercises, avoid caffeine, and take Relive--a food supplement. I am almost through that supply and am going to quit taking that and move to good vitamins. Truly I am doing all that I can to strengthen and take care of myself. I have also learned through this process that deciding to be better, being optimistic, ignoring pain and trying to go with attitude just doesn't make much difference when the health issue is debilitating. I'm sure it doesn't hurt, but I cannot will myself better. Maybe that sounds silly but sometimes I think people may think I like being sick or that if I would just toughen up it would be so much better. It just doesn't work that way. I don't spend much time worrying about what others think but that does cross my mind sometimes as this stretches on and on. I would just love to be fine and disappear into normal life with absolutely no attention. I would love to bring meals to others and serve others in other ways and I hope someday I will be able to do those things again. Thank you for being so patient with me until I get there!


Carey said...

Cindy, you serve an audience of ONE. HE knows what you're going through. HE knows that you are trying to remain positive. HIS opinion is really the only one that counts.

Sending my love! I WISH I could be there more for you right now. So many people have been there for me. Humbling a bit. God's church rocks! =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis! There is no denying your the toughest out of us all, and you amaze me by your drive. We all look up to you! I don't think many of us could do what you are doing and all love ya. No baby yet.:( Hopefully only 9 more days and than we can come see you!

Anonymous said...

So happy you are rid of the nausea! I also think that you are a very strong woman. You have been through more pain in the past few years than most people ever experience in a lifetime! It must be hard to keep positive when you do not feel well day after day. I give you a lot of credit for doing as well as you do!
Still praying...