Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!

We are celebrating two birthdays today. My oldest son turned 14 today. How can that be? Where does the time go? It has been a big week for him. . . he turned 14, had his last day of 7th grade and had his braces taken off. I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday and now he is nearly as tall as I am. My son, I love you so much!

Today a very dear friend, Mary, turns 40 as well. Mary, I know that this day is a day to celebrate and yet moving into another decade is a bit daunting. Remember, I am following you to this milestone in a couple months. :) Mary is a true and dear friend. We have been friends since our college days and she has been there for me over the years, particularly through these last difficult years. Thank you for always reading my blog, writing me frequent emails and notes, bringing me meals, treats and all the other kind things you have done to encourage me. You have been a true friend through thick and thin. I pray that you have a wonderful birthday!

A quick note about myself--today so far has been the best day I've had for a few weeks. My head is a little clearer and my abdomen isn't hurting as much. :)


Miriam said...

Glad you're having a better day today!

Mary and Lyle said...

Thanks for your kind words Cindy. That really meant a lot to me! I had a very good birthday (I'll have to tell you about it). I was thinking of Tanner yesterday too! You've been a very dear friend to me as well. The feeling are mutual! I am thankful to the Lord for your friendship as well! Also, I am thanking Him that He blessed you with such a good day..right on Tanner's birthday. That's awesome.

Carey said...

Happy Birthday, Tanner! (and Mary!). Glad to hear you had a better day. Praying today was good as well as tomorrow.

BTW, thanks for the nice post! I actually wish I could be, or had been, there for you more. I thought I was busy, and meant to. Now I am just amazed at all those helping me and I wish I had "taken the time". Forgive me. It's amazing who God puts in your life, isn't it? Praying we are both up to getting together for a chat one of these days. Sending love on over your way!!

Frank Bulk said...

Good to see you in church on Sunday -- while you probably have to push yourself just to consider the idea, it's a blessing to see and visit with you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Tanner & Mary! What a blessing for you that the meds seem to be working - I'm tickled for you! Now if they can fix the stomach pain issue next Monday, we just might begin to see the Cindy we used to know! The one without so much pain in her eyes & the one that had a lot of energy! Won't that be great?! We promise not to expect that to happen overnight! (ha,ha) Looking forward to lots of good days ahead!
Still praying...

Anonymous said...

You are looking so GOOD this week! I can see a good healthy side of you showing through! Good to see! I pray for continued progress!
