Saturday, May 9, 2009


I have improved a little although I am still struggling with the big three--nausea, abdominal pain & headache. The doc didn't call yesterday so I don't have news there. Yesterday I decided that maybe I am being a wimp with my stomach so I did leg exercises but that was a mistake--my lower abdomen really hurt after that.

The family is slowly getting better. Tara has a touch of it but she is pretty tough and doesn't seem to notice it much until her temp really goes up. Kyle & Riley still sound congested but feeling a better. I have some congestion and have probably been running a moderate temp but that isn't a big deal so far. So I think the "plague" is finally making a slow departure from our home.

1 comment:

Mary and Lyle said...

Glad your family is feeling a bit better. My prayer for you is a blessed Sunday tomorrow. I hope you are able to attend the Lord's house twice again tomorrow. I think that is wonderful that you've been able to do that again. Praying for ya!
