Friday, May 22, 2009

Theological hurts

Sometimes people mean so very well and yet things can hurt so much. It seems that I periodically run into the idea that if I pray hard enough and believe in Jesus enough that I will be healed. The opposite of that, of course, is that I must not because I am not healed. It hurts when people talk to me about praying more and believing more and being confident that if I do that I will for sure be healed. Certainly that is never intended by the very well meaning people that talk to me about this, but it is hurtful all the same. Perhaps I shouldn't even write this here because I really don't want someone to read this and be offended or hurt by my words. But over the years I have heard this multiple times and each time I have to work through a grief process and then remind myself that this really isn't a Biblical concept and I have to let it go. One very clear example in the Bible is Paul when he requested that God remove a "thorn of the flesh" and he was denied. God said no--and I don't think it was because Paul didn't have enough faith, didn't ask sincerely enough or didn't pray enough about it. Sometimes the Lord chooses to answer yes to our prayers and sometimes He chooses to answer no. The hard part is accepting the no. Please never hesitate to talk to me about your faith and confidence in God! I just need to be clear that we have accepted that the Lord may heal me and His answer may be no. It isn't an easy thing to accept, and we continue to plead with Him for healing but yet we know that we don't always get a "yes" and that His plan may be altogether different then ours. Ok, now I will get off my soapbox. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put, Cindy. Still praying for you...Through Him