Sunday, May 3, 2009


I am so thankful that I was able to attend church twice today. It wasn't as easy today as my lower abdomen is hurting more and my head is bothered more by the noise. Also, about half my family is sick! Tanner started the whole thing the end of last week and Kylie picked it up and can't seem to shake it. Now my poor husband is feeling quite miserable. They all run a temp around 101-102 and have the respiratory stuff particularly in the chest. We are hoping everyone starts getting better and would prefer if I don't get it! Coughing and sneezing is starting to hurt my head more again. Also, I thought Tara had pink eye but now I am thinking it might just be the cold settling in her eye. We'll see how she looks tomorrow. What a bunch of sickies we are!

Yesterday was a busy day. For the most part I watched Kyle & Tanner plant the garden--oh how I hate not doing it myself! I got a couple things in but I am thankful that Kyle doesn't mind doing these things. Our garden is small--postage stamp size. We grow just enough to eat and share a little but we all love it. This year we have tomatoes, potatoes, yellow squash, cucumbers (my favorite!), beets, onions and brussel sprouts.

Before this illness began plaguing me I was the type of person that had a hard time sitting in one place for long. I rarely sat to watch tv b/c I always had to much I wanted to do. What a dramatic change my life has taken!

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