Friday, November 7, 2008


I visited an eye doctor today to make sure that my optic nerve is ok. Everything looked fine. We went late morning and I slept the entire afternoon. I can't seem to sleep enough, but that will change as time goes by, I would think.

Our kids are staying home this weekend--the first time I have been home with them for a weekend for as long as I can remember. That isn't saying much, though. My memory is nearly non-existent it seems. So if you tell me something, you might want to write it down to make sure I remember. :) Hopefully it goes ok. I still seem sensitive to noise--not as bad as I was but it is still a problem. Maybe Kyle will have to take them away for a while if it gets to be to much, but we will see.

Hopefully I will start seeing some big improvements. I have been a little disappointed that I am moving forward so slowly. But Kyle reminds me that it has taken a couple years to get to the point that I am today so it may just take some time to work my way back out. Thank goodness for Kyle!

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