Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cautiously Optimistic!

We may have an answer to prayer!

I had a terrible night last night. The pain had increased a lot and even though I took a pain pill and sleeping pill, I slept little because of the pain intensity. I woke up this morning in a lot of pain as well. We called the doctor first thing for an appointment to discuss our options and do the blood draw. He also gave me a mega dose of a pain med by shot.

We were able to do the spinal tap this afternoon already. It was uncomfortable but not so bad. About an hour after the procedure was done my headache disappeared! Yes--it is gone! The pain is gone, the pressure is gone and even the ringing in my ears has stopped.

We left a message for the surgeon with the pressure that was measured. Unfortunately the anesthesiologist did it incorrectly. I was supposed to lay down and she had me sit up which gives an inaccurate reading. But, the reading that I had was substantially higher then normal according to the surgeon! He is optimistic. He is putting me on the medication to control the production of spinal fluid and I have to call him in 1 week. There is a possibility that I will have to repeat the test to get the accurate reading. If this is indeed the problem, the medication should control it or worse case would be needing a shunt put in.

I am waiting for the blood test result and they are testing the spinal fluid for abnormalities as well.

Please pray that this is the problem and thank the Lord for answering our prayers! We are so hopeful! :)


Mary and Lyle said...


Wow! I am really praying that this is the answer that you have been looking for! Wouldn't it be awesome if this simple thing took care of it!! That would be such good news! I am wondering why the procedure that they did would take away the headache so quickly? Did they do something besides just a test on the spinal fluid? Just wondering. We just really pray that this is the answer and that you might possibly be back to normal life soon.

Thinking of you!

Carey said...

Hooray!!! Cautiously optimistic with you!! Praying that this is the answer...the FINAL answer. God's blessings!

Anonymous said...

We're SO excited after reading this news! We keep praying for you and your family. God is good :) <3 emily and marilyn dv