Friday, November 14, 2008

Another week is coming to a close and I am feeling a little gloomy. Maybe it is the weather--overcast and rainy. The last couple days I haven't been feeling as well. The headaches are a little stronger again, especially in the evening with all the kids home. I told them that someday we are going to have a yelling contest and everyone can yell as loud as they can while I am yelling with them to make up for all of this. I hope that day comes.

I still haven't heard from my neurosurgeon. I am searching for a doctor that has experience with this intracranial hypertension but it is a little more challenging in a rural area to find experts in fields that are rather unusual.

Every morning I try to spend some time researching and that is a bit discouraging as well. First, is this truly what I have? I don't fit the "classic" description, which is probably why I wasn't tested before. I am not overweight, don't have whooshing sounds in my ears (but they ring pretty loudly), and have not had visual problems. What if this isn't it? Second, if this is it, it is not all that encouraging. Many respond initially to the med but it loses its effectiveness for many over time, and I have experienced that with countless drugs. Do I get a shunt in my brain? But they seem to cause problems--infections, plugging up, etc. Some use both the med & shunt and still have little relief from the symptoms long term. Little research is being done because it is relatively rare. It is called a disease with lifelong issues. I remind myself daily to take this a day at a time, though.

Relatively speaking, I am doing better. I have driven a few times this week, went to church last Sunday once (with earplugs), went out for lunch once with Kyle and can tell that I am getting stronger. I have headaches which worsen as the day goes by but they are not nearly as severe as they were before. The ringing in my ears can become pretty loud but I still hear all the noise. Two weeks ago this would have seemed like the cats meow. I need to remember that.

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