Sunday, November 2, 2008

A little stronger

The headache increased in intensity again later yesterday and has been stronger again today. I am thankful for the pain med that is still working to take off the worst.

Our youngest two children stayed at Karleen's house this weekend and Kyle will pick them up after church tonight. I really miss them but it does help a lot with keeping the noise down and therefore the headache somewhat better controlled. The same things make it worse quickly--noise and movement. Riley, 6 and Tara, 5 naturally are full of noise and movement which means they are healthy and happy but it is challenging for me.

The older two went last weekend, too, but stayed this weekend b/c of a piano recital and orchestra practice. Thanks, Karleen! Renae did some major shopping for me for winter things for the kids this week. Renae has been my professional shopper the last couple of years and has dressed the kids well. Thanks, Renae!

Today is the Sabbath and I found comfort today in II Corinthians 1. I really miss being able to go to church but I know God has a plan. I do believe despite the ups and downs that my faith has been strengthened through these challenges that we have had the last couple years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that you have faith to get you through this difficult time. It is not the same without you in the office! Hopefully tomorrow you can hear from the doctor and he can give you a cause and a solution. We continue to pray for you and your family. Hope the cake made you feel better! Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you or your family!