Monday, November 24, 2008

It's a Monday

I have to admit that I am discouraged. For some reason I thought that either the trip to Ames would go a little better or that if it didn't I would recover fairly quickly. It seems that the headaches are stronger and I am more sensitive to noise. Sometimes it seems like it will never end. I wasn't able to attend church yesterday. Out of determination I decided to go to the office this morning which is quiet but I didn't do so well there. Two customers told me that I looked awful, kindly of course, which means that I am not fooling anyone. I am so isolated and feel pretty lonely some days. I don't remember really anything of the holidays last year beyond what my kids have told me and I had so hoped that this year would be different.

I am still working on scheduling the spinal tap for next week, hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. It is hard to know what to hope for. Do I hope that the pressure is high so that I get a shunt in hopes that it will alleviate all or most of the symptoms? Do I really want them drilling a hole in my head, running a tube through my brain and another hole in my stomach to drain into? On the other hand, in February they did more then put in just a little hole and at that point I didn't really care. (Sorry to be so graphic!) Yes, I probably do if all this goes away. But what if it doesn't? On the other hand, what if the level is now in the normal range with the Diamox (med). I can't live like this!

It is a good that that God is good and on His throne. He knows all things and has a plan for my life and that of my family. Right now I feel like I am beyond what I can handle but He will take care of that, too.


Mary and Lyle said...

Hey Cindy,

I'm sorry things aren't progressing as quickly as you'd like them too. When we were in Prairie City with my family we were visiting with Dr. Daining, an old family friend. His son struggles with severe headaches and has been to the Diamond Clinic in Sioux Falls. Dr. Daining is VERY knowledgable and said that usually in cases like this a shunt is needed. He said that usually medications just don't seem to work for this. We can just hope and pray that if you do need the shunt it will take ALL your pain away. I am just so anxious for you to be TRULY head-ache free. Sometimes it just seems never-ending! Just know that my family is praying for you today and we are beseeching the Lord for an answer and for and end to this. In Christian Love,

Mary and Lyle said...

oops, the Diamond Clinic in Chicago, I mean:)

Carey said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry that you are feeling so badly. You know if we could take the pain away, we would. I do trust in the plan the Lord has for you. Hopefully you will have an answer soon. We also pray that the shunt will take care of your pain. All your freinds and family are pulling for you! One day at a time..
Take care~