Monday, November 3, 2008

Bad news

The doctor called at 5:30 today and he can't find anything that is causing the neurological abnormalities--and my headaches. He asked me to take a blood test to check the level of a certain vitamin--I have had many and so far nothing has shown up but we will do it again. Also wants a spinal tap done to check the pressure of the spinal fluid. We will pursue that as well.

The headache has increased in intensity today.


Anonymous said...

I know this is not the news you expected but maybe God is moving you in the right direction for the diagnosis as strange as it seems. It would be great if you did not need another major surgery! Keep your faith & we will continue to pray for you and your family.
Take Care~

Anonymous said...


We will continue to send prayers. I do pray that you find some answers and treatment to give you your quality of life back. I will also pray for patience, strength,a nd comfort.


Mary and Lyle said...

Hey Cindy,

I am so sorry that you got the news from the surgeon. I know that it is very difficult for you and Kyle to hear this. We are continuing to pray for you. Like Joyce says, maybe this diagnosis could be good news if it prevents you from having another surgery. We are praying for you as you go through these tests. We are thinking of your whole family!

Mary and Lyle

Carey said...

So so sorry, Cindy. Praying praying for you that the answer comes quickly.

Anonymous said...

Kyle & Cindy,
May God give you endurance and patience as you continue once again to do more test's and await to hear results once again.Sometimes "our disappointments are God's appointments." Praying for you as always.
Love, Uncle Al & Aunt Alice & Fam.

Terry and Pamela said...

Dear Kyle and Cindy,
We are praying for you often, and are so glad that though we are far away, there are so many in the faith that are there to encourage you and take care of errands. We pray that your spirits stay lifted because His grace is sufficient, and that through Him, medicine will keep your headaches manageable. God keep you.
Love, Terry and Pamela