Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Extra tidbit

I was asked why the spinal tap stopped the headache. When they did the spinal tap they removed 3 vials of spinal fluid to test for abnormalities. This reduced the amount of spinal fluid around my brain and in my spinal cord, which reduced the pressure. If this is indeed the problem, too much spinal fluid was causing inter-cranial pressure and causing the headaches, etc. The medication prescribed will decrease the production of spinal fluid. Since we don't have a true reading the question will be if the pressure is too high for the medication to control. It sounds likely that it will control it but a shunt was mentioned if it can't be controlled.

I am still feeling good--I am almost giddy! :)


Anonymous said...

I am so tickled for you! That does explain alot. Why the headaches started mild and went to severe, etc. God is good! We are hoping all the answers come together for you with the results of the spinal fluid and blood tests. Prayers are beginning to be answered! I for one am glad the MRI's showed nothing! Hope to see you soon!
Take care~

Mary and Lyle said...


That makes a lot of sense!! I truly hope this is the answer...and it's not such a complicated one at that! I am so happy for you that you feel so well! Almost giddy even:) I am really praying that this continues. We are praising the Lord with you.



Anonymous said...

I was so excited to read this update from yesterday. I hope all your prayers are answered and that the cause may have been found.
I am thinking of you and your family.

Take care of yourself, Melissa