Tuesday, November 11, 2008

snowy day

I think I am getting a little stronger. I had a great nap today and felt pretty good after I woke up. The headaches seem to be a little bit stronger, although very tolerable. I am having some problems with nausea and it hurts to lay on the right side of my head--but that isn't new. I just thought some of these things would go away. The nausea is significantly better than it had been before. I was taking Zofran, a nausea med, pretty regularly for a while so that I could eat. Now I typically am not taking it but am just working through it a bit. Hopefully these things will pass. I am expecting a call from my dr in Milwaukee and will ask him several questions about some of these things.

The spinal fluid testing came back normal. We were expecting that, but it is still good news.

A few have asked about whether I should have had the surgery for chiari, or some have referred to it as my brain surgery. I don't have any regrets for a few reasons. First, I had several symptoms of chiari besides the headaches. Two were becoming a problem--swallowing and my fingers were totally dead from about halfway past the last knuckle on. The swallowing was preventing me from eating much meat at all and I had to drink something with every bite I took to get it down. I had a few incidents of choking that scared me. Both of those issues are resolved. Also, if I hadn't had chiari surgery I wouldn't have become a patient of Dr Heffez who ultimately determined that intracranial hypertension is probably my problem. So no regrets. I am glad that it is done. It was a difficult surgery to recover from for me, but in the long run well worth it.

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