Tuesday, March 6, 2012


We finally have a bit of an answer after some effort!  :)  Kyle went there first thing this morning to find out that the doctor was gone until 3:00 and I left a couple messages.  We were supposed to get a call by 1:00 but my parents stopped where the P.A. that was supposed to call was at a little after 1:00 and then found out the answers.  The communication could improve, but the doctors here are really the best.

At this point, I know that I do have an infection--not a big surprise.  Thankfully, though, my spinal fluid came back clear so it isn't in my brain.  I have an appointment with the infectious disease doctors tomorrow morning and they will be telling us the next steps.

Kyle flew back home today.  :(  My mom is staying here with me now, though, which is a blessing.  My dad left this afternoon so it is back to just two of us again.  It was quite critical that we have an action plan with the doctors because we were going to be required to move out of our place in the morning if I didn't have an appointment.  I will still need to get many stitches out of my head and by my collarbone sometime this week.

I still just don't feel so good.  I am so exhausted that I really do little at all and even that is exhausting!  I am beginning to have some pain in my abdomen again, which I suspect is the infection.  So we will see what the next days will bring.


Anonymous said...

Cindy, remember we are keeping you in our prayers and that God is your ultimate comfort and peace through it all.

Anonymous said...

Cindy- Happy you have some bit of an answer. Happy your Mom is there.(she probably has more patiences! :) Hope you can rest, the meds.fight the infection, and healing begins for the big trip home. Remembering you in prayer. Millie

Anonymous said...

Cindy - pray that you get some answers today with the doctors and pray that you can start rebuilding your strengh.

Take care!
Love, Robin

Anonymous said...

Riley and Ethan played together in the sunshine yesterday. Praying you may see God's sunshine today and feel His comfort. Susan