Saturday, March 10, 2012


Yesterday was such a good day!  I seem to experience a residual effect from the Toradol shots that makes my head feel clear and good and it lasted all day yesterday!  Today is still good, but not as good and I can feel the headache gradually increasing.

We are spending a relaxing weekend here.  Our only hope today is to get a few groceries to tide us over a little while again.  My goal is to just continue gaining strength for what is ahead.

It sounds like I will have to have surgery to remove this mass regardless of whether it is cancerous or not.  If it is benign, the surgery will be smaller than if it is malignant.  The ER made it sound like that would happen fairly quickly.  The irony of all of this is that I just had a female physical in January and it wasn't noticed.  Then I had the ct scan the end of January where it showed up but the doctors didn't mention it.  I am thankful to be here where they didn't blow it off.  According to the ct scan in January, the mass was about 4 cm and it is now 5-6 cm, so it has grown.  It is considered a complex cyst which makes it more concerning than the typical ovarian cyst.  The doctors were serious about it so I am not blowing it off but just choosing not to worry about it right now.  I suspect that the pain was worse when the shunt was in because the tubing was hitting it and causing some strong pain.  Now I would consider my abdomen uncomfortable but definitely tolerable.  Every once it a while, I will have a really sharp pain in the left side that lasts 30 seconds or so but then it melts away.  I notice it the most when I have to lift my left leg--that hurts.  So getting dressed or putting on socks and shoes, for example, can be more painful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are having a relaxing weekend and that the toradol helped your headache. Praying for the mass to be removed soon and that it is benign. Thinking of you...
