Monday, March 5, 2012


We still wait for answers from the doctor.  We need to find out if it was an infection, what type and how it is to be treated.  Until we know those answers, we don't know what the next weeks look like.  The most frequent question that I am getting is how my head is.  Oh, what a hard question to answer!  I have a headache, and it is stronger than it was prior to the shunt being removed.  My biggest question is, can I live like this?  I don't know yet.  I just don't know.

Besides the headache, I have other head pain that is difficult to distinguish from the headache.  I have three pretty good sized incisions on my head that are stitched shut.  Under the incisions at the front of my head I know that after pulling the catheters out of my brain he put small titanium plates over the two holes in my skull to provide some protection there.  That is good because I lightly bumped my head there one time and it nearly knocked me out with the pain.  My head hurt for days afterwards.  But I think now there is some additional pain there where these plates were installed.

My parents came in yesterday.  It was so good and comforting to see them.  Without knowing what my doctor has to say, right now it looks like Kyle will fly home tomorrow, my mom will stay with me and my dad will drive home.  That could all change, but that is what we are thinking right now.

I continue to be extremely fatigued.  Kyle is taking good care of me, making sure that I am getting my medication and things that I just don't remember.  Right now I am just taking Tylenol for pain and a daily med that helps with the management of headaches.  I've been taking 1/2 a sleeping pill sometimes just to ensure that I sleep well.  I have stronger pain medications, but they seemed to be the culprit for my nausea so I just decided to quit taking them.  Sometimes pain is easier to deal with then nausea.

Tanner surprised me with a precious gift yesterday.  He is a member of the Knightsounds and they recorded the hymn, "It is Well" and he sent it to me by email. It is my favorite song and has been for a long time.  Tears just ran down my cheeks as I listened to it yesterday.  What a blessing!


Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorite songs too! How wonderful of Tanner to send that to you ~ he is such a thoughtful boy. Hope your strength returns & your stronger headache stays away!

Praying daily....


Dawn said...

We prayed for you in church last night. As a family we also continue to hold you all in prayer. Love to you.

Anonymous said...

That is so nice that Tanner did that! That is one of the most comforting hymns of all time! God be near to you Cindy. We love you and hold you in HIS care.


Anonymous said...

Jake told me about the recording the other day! That was such a great idea. Knightsounds does a fantastic job with that song. Talented group of young people. I am sure you would agree on that. Of course we might be kind of biased. :-)

We continue to think and pray for all of you often.

"What ever my lot, though hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul."

Kathy H.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that your mom and dad are there and that your mom can stay with you, if need be. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. I am thankful, too for the encouragement you have received from the Knight Sounds and the friends and relatives who have visited.
These verses come to mind:
"Remember my affliction and my wanderings,
the bitterness and the gall!
My soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me.
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope.
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases,
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning,
great is your faithfulness.
"The LORD is my portion," says my soul,
"therefore I will hope in him."
Lamentations 3:19-24

Anonymous said...

Oops - forgot my name.
That last post was from me (Twila).
Just wanted you to know we are praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi from us
Tell your parents Hi also. So glad they are there for you. Praying for all of you and especially the Dr.'s so they know what is the best way to go. What a fun surprise to hear the music... God bless you
Jim & Marj