Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday afternoon

Kyle is taking a little walk outside the hospital because it looks like a beautiful day.  So I decided to spend a few minutes on the computer and write a little entry.  Kyle will laugh when he sees the word little, because I always write more!

Today hasn't been an easy day, particularly due to the nausea.  I have thrown up a few times today and we aren't sure what the cause is.  The anti-nausea meds that usually work for me aren't working so we'll see what they come up with.  We are leaning toward having me stay tonight yet for that reason.  If I get sick over in our room we don't have a lot of options besides going through e.r. and I never like that.  We'll see how the rest of the day goes, though.  We have a few hours yet to make that decision.  It is always hard for me to choose to stay in the hospital another night but Kyle will be weighing in on this decision and he will be more sensible than I.

The Lord has provided me a wise man for my husband!  I really do have many things to be thankful for.  Oh, how easy it is to see the glass half empty rather than half full.


Anonymous said...

God's blessings in all the decisions that have to be made. You are prayed for often. At home and at school.

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers, Cindy. May God give you wisdom as you make these difficult decisions.
We will pray that the nausea goes away and that the pressure stays low!

Anonymous said...

Cindy and Kyle,
You are prayed up! The ladies at Community Bible Study in Hagerstown lifted you up this morning. I got a call from one of them this afternoon asking how she could possibly help! We are praying for healing, strength, and perfect pressure balance as your brain heals.
Love you!
Dori and all

Anonymous said...


So happy to hear you are out of the hospital! Hopefully you have turned the corner and are going to be on the mend.

Prayers for you and your family,
