Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Our prayer continues to be that our Lord gives the drs the wisdom to know what Cindy's body needs for healing.

Yesterday, Dr Solomon spent at least an hour in Cindy's room with us going over the last 24 hrs of the test results so far, answering questions and just explaining all that they are doing.   Another nice thing is that he does speak fluent english, the only dr she has seen here so far that does so it is easy to understand him.  The other drs are very good, but we have to listen very closely and sometimes need things repeated.  He did adjust the shunt to release less fluid, the highest setting she has had so far.  The strange thing though was the numbers went in the opposite direction from what they should have.  The dr was aware of this and was going to access and monitor the computer where the scan is from his home.  We are hoping and praying for some answers today.  Dr Solomon, the neurologist is also consulting with the neurosurgeon to see which direction they should take with results of the tests they have received so far.  Each dr we have seen have all remarked on what a complicated case Cindy's is.  I think so far the drs have asked her to be in 3 separate clinical studies which hopefully means they will continue to work with her to find all the answers they need for her and others.  Cindy's spinal tap area has sprung a leak which they are watching.  It is all sealed with their plastic bandaging so hopefully there will be no complications there. She does have to remain in the hospital  for a day after they remove the tube out of her spinal cord for safety reasons, which we are thankful for.  They want to make sure she doesn't develop an infection.

Yesterday I moved from a hotel which was about 15 minutes from here to a place similar to a Ronald McDonald house on the John Hopkins campus, a couple blocks now from where Cindy is. I can walk to the hosp during the day, but need a security escort or a shuttle after dark.  It's very different here from small town Iowa!!!

We've been doing a study on Job with our Bible Study at church, such a GOOD Bible Study also.  Last night I found this verse which I thought so appropriate for us right now.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee:  be not dismayed; for I am thy God:  I will strengthen thee; I will help thee; I will uphold thee with the right hand of my rightousness.  Isaiah 40: 10 kjv

Please continue to keep us in your prayers!


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering why the numbers went in the opposite direction from what they were supposed to, but maybe you don't know the answer to that. That is interesting. Yes, Cindy's case is complicated, but I'm thankful the doctors are willing to keep working with her! Nice that you have a doctor that is so easy to understand right now, too. We continue to pray for Cindy's healing. I love the verse that you posted. That was my 8th grade graduation verse and I've always loved it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated Kathy. Kyle shares some with us too. Praying for results and answers. Even though you are both far away, you've got a lot of prayers going up for you and we hope you can feel that His presence is near you through us. It's so hard to be away from home this time of year but what a GREAT Christmas gift it would be if the doctors solved Cindy's "complicated case"!

Take Care,
