Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday 12/22/11

Another day in Baltimore.  It sometimes seems like we are never going to get home, but next year at this time, this will just be a memory.  We also know that Christmas is just a day that can be celebrated on another day.  We really don't know if Jesus was born on December 25 and more likely that He wasn't.  We can also celebrate another day.  For me it isn't so important, but for Cindy and the kids a little more so, and we've talked about that, we'll just celebrate Jesus birth with our family when we get home.

The Dr came to Cindy again early this morning and told her they were going to try and do the surgery today.  After waiting until about 4:00, the Dr came and said it will now be tomorrow around 11:15.  She didn't have any food all day and then when it came it was something she couldn't eat.  Needless to say, with all the disappointments, later dates, and 5 1/2 years of so many health issues, it was meltdown time tonite.  Also, when her spinal pressure isn't good, she can't sleep at night and needs a sleeping pill that the dr on the floor wouldn't give her the last 2 nights.  The neurosurgeon ordered it now so she should get a good night's sleep.  She is so anxious to get out of the hospital and go home and be "normal".

We are still at the best place for Cindy, the drs are all so good, as well as the nurses and everyone else we have been working with.  We just need to keep remembering that and they are doing their best to help her, and we know too that this is in God's hands, not ours, and we have to keep our trust in Him and that He will continue to give wisdom and guidance to the drs.

After hugs and hopefully some reassuring words, tomorrow will be a better day.  Moms out there please always remember that once you are a mom, you are always a mom, no matter how old your children are, you need to be there for them.  I see all these parents here at the place I'm staying at, here for their adult children also. 

Our Father in heaven is always here for us, and we always need to remember that and always turn our prayers to Him in Thanksgiving and ask for help and comfort also.

Thanks for all your prayers for us, although we know your thoughts are with us, and God is always with us, we do get a little lonely being so far from home.



Anonymous said...


Thanks for the updates. You are both in my prayers - being so far from home at such a traditional time of year, it has to be hard. However, like you said, you can celebrate Jesus's birth when you get back. The best gift ever would be that Cindy feels better again!
Love and prayers,

Mary said...

I am REALLY thinking of both of you tonight! It is so difficult to be away from home, but then to have to go through a day like you did today...that is frustrating. I am really praying that everything goes really well tomorrow. May God be your strength and may He bring you both home very shortly! Love from Iowa!
