Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday, Christmas Eve

Praise the Lord!  I am out of the hospital!  Even better news is that we fly home tomorrow!  I called the airline hoping to get out sometime this week and the flights were available and reasonably priced.  That is a huge answer to prayer! 

Another praise is that I am feeling very well!  We were planning to stay for a few more days to verify that the shunt is at the right setting now that I have the anti-siphoning device installed.  However, we wouldn't be able to find out until Tuesday when I would even be able to make an appointment.  I am doing very well and their best guess was the setting I am at now, so we are just going to go for it. 

It would have been three weeks on Tuesday that we arrived.  A much longer, more extensive and expensive trip than we ever anticipated but it does seem as though we have many more answers.  Am I healed?  Only the Lord knows.  The battle is not over but I think that we have made a lot of progress.  As the neurosurgeon reminded me, the average life of a shunt is 2 years.  Since things are working well right now, they didn't want to touch any more then necessary to add the additional device.  But that also means that my shunt is now 3 years old.  I am not going to think about another surgery right now, though.  Three in 2011 is more then plenty!

So, we didn't think we would be home for Christmas.  Now we will be home for part of it!  We have so much to be thankful for!  :)


Dawn said...

Merry Christmas Cindy to your family from ours and welcome (almost) home!!

Anonymous said...

Cindy & Kathy,
So thankful Cindy that you are feeling good.
Also very thankful that you are planning to fly home tomorrow. We pray for safe flights and strength for you to endure the traveling.

May the blessing of the Lord rest upon you.

A Blessed Christmas to you and your entire family.

Rev. & Esther Van Donselaar

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Cindy! We are so glad to hear you are feeling better and will be coming home on Christmas. We'll be praying for a smooth trip home and a clear head in the weeks and months to come.
Steve & Esther Diekevers