Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday 12/23/11

The surgery is done and all went well. We've been praying that all will be well, no headaches. She should be back at our apartment tomorrow morning and out of the hospital - and she can't wait to get out of there!

Now it is wait and see how she is the next couple of days, if her headache is gone the shunt is at the right setting and if she still has a headache, it might need to be adjusted. So we're not quite sure what to do about scheduling tickets yet.  Let's just hope and pray this will be the end for long time, we can get home and life for all will be back to normal.

Since she will be back in the morning, I'll let her write more later.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers and have a very blessed Christmas!


Anonymous said...

We are very thankful that surgery went well for Cindy. We continue to pray for healing and for complete relief from headaches.

The Van Donselaars

Anonymous said...

Cindy & Kathy=
Grateful to hear that the surgery went well. Will pray for complete success and fast trip home!. Millie