Thursday, August 11, 2011


Yesterday was not a whole lot better although by the evening I felt like I was picking up a little.  I just overall have been feeling unwell and not sure why.  It probably helped yesterday afternoon when I took a Zofran, a great anti-nausea medication.   So perhaps that is why I picked up.  I'm not sure.

Today I am feeling better.  So hopefully I am not premature in appreciating feeling better.  My pain control is much, much better as well.  I am occasionally taking ibuprophen but that is fairly limited.  So that is good progress.  I am still able to do very little.  I am incredibly weak both in simple activities and endurance.  I am walking around as much as I can, but that too is fairly limited at this point.

It is still rather hard for me to believe that I had another surgery!  It is hard in that I was making such good progress and resuming a few of life's normal activities and now I am back to doing nearly nothing again.  I did drive for the first time yesterday a few blocks and as long as it is short I am feeling comfortable doing that.  Definitely better than when I had the headaches and couldn't drive.

Today is the day I was supposed to be at Johns Hopkins for the next shunt adjustment.  I wish that I could have gotten that done but hopefully we will get that done in the next month or two.  My head has not been as great as it was before the surgery.  Nothing like it was before JH, but just not feeling as well as it had.  That is concerning to me because I would like to know why.  I guess the sooner that I can get to JH, the better so that hopefully we can get on top of that before it would progress.

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