Monday, February 16, 2009

Time passing

Well, I haven't written much because not much has changed. I sometimes feel like I just complain over and over about the same things--I am sorry! The percocet is still helping, so I am hopeful that much of the pain is still temporary since oral pain meds don't touch the headaches. I have gotten out a few times now. I stopped at the office for cake for a birthday today and drove for the first time--just there and back. For Valentines we went out Thursday evening for ice cream and of course I have been to the doctors office for staple removal. Getting out is very enjoyable but very exhausting yet. I have learned that taking a walk is probably best limited to walking 1-2 houses down the street instead of half a block but hopefully that will gradually increase. I have resumed taking Reliv--a food supplement--in hopes that it will help me gain strength (and I still had some in a box in the basement). I still don't have an appetite but am working on eating regularly and have been maintaining my weight instead of losing--which is probably a good thing right now.

Overall I have to admit that my attitude has slipped. Life with no pain--or even small amounts of pain--sounds so good and so out of reach right now. Our kids spent Saturday and Sunday at my sister's again, which is a good thing for me because I have a difficult time having them all home for period of time yet, but depressing because I wish I could enjoy my time with them. Kyle took the older three skiing today at Great Bear and they had a great time which was wonderful but it is difficult missing all their activities and fun times. Kylie had a drill team event at the high school Friday night which I missed. It is her last one because it only goes through 6th grade, and I realized that night that I have missed that event the last three years (and three times) that she has done it because of my health. Am I going to miss the kids' events and activities forever? I always enjoyed going to them but I wish that I would have treasured these times more when I was able to go.


Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up kiddo--we are all praying that you are on the way to a pain-free life.


Anonymous said...

Great to see you yesterday! I will pray for you to get this precious time in life w/ your kids back very soon! Hang in there! You have a large group of prayer warriors! Let us know how we can help!


Anonymous said...

It was good to have you in the office for a while yesterday! Glad you enjoyed the angel food cake. Maybe I need to keep the sweets coming your way to help maintain your weight! We are keeping you in our daily prayers. I will also pray for your pain to be relieved and you to be able to enjoy your family again.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, you have such a strong and uplifting faith. There have been many times I think your attitude is better than mine and I am not dealing with any health issues. (I get a small headache and I seem to be a grouch.) God is using you to teach others!
I understand your wish to be involved with the family, thank you for reminding us to treasure the time with our kids. Let me know if you ever need a place for the kids or anything else! Your family is a great support! They to may need a break. Many hands are being held out to help down here, from above...don't hesitate to ask. We will continue to think of you and all your family in our prayers. Deb O