Monday, February 23, 2009

request for help

I really don't like asking for help. Many of you have offered, though, and we are in need of a little right now. Our babysitter is taking of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. At this point I am not able to take care of Tara very well, so we are wondering if anyone would like to volunteer to take care of her. She is in school until about 11:10 Wednesday and Thursday and doesn't have school on Friday. Of much less importance, Riley will be home all day Friday as well. Tanner & Kylie can take care of him here but if someone would like to have him visit that would be a great day to do it. :) If you are interested, please email me at or call me (4499). Thank you so much!

As I have said before, I am not a neurosurgeon but my guess is that I need another surgical revision. The headaches continue to intensify. A prayer request at this point is direction in what to do next. We requested a copy of my medical records to be sent to Omaha 1 1/2 weeks ago. Today the company that is supposed to be copying and mailing them said they don't have the request. They need to be copied, mailed and then reviewed by the neurosurgeon in Omaha before they will even schedule an appointment. So do we drive back to Milwaukee again (8-9 hours) or try to wait it out? I am fearful of waiting too long because typically the headaches progressively get so bad that I can hardly stand it. I am trying very hard to do nothing that will aggravate my head but I have been down this road before. . .

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