Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Update

Cindy talked w/ Dr Heffez about an hour ago at 3pm. He advised that when he was in surgery he could see that the shunt was blocked - it was just dripping spinal fluid. He did some repair work on the shunt and repositioned it and the shunt was flowing spinal fluid when he closed her up yesterday. This morning she had a CT scan and everything looked great and the shunt stayed in the correct position. She has been laying flat down on her back since the surgery. The Dr. is now going to start raising her up every hour to see if the nausea and spinal tap headache comes back. If those two symptoms come back this afternoon and into tonight, then tomorrow she will get the blood patch done. Otherwise, she will get released tomorrow from the hospital. If she gets the blood patch done tomorrow then she will get released on Sunday. She has 18 staples in her head again at the same location as the last surgery. She is feeling pain from the surgery but all the other symptoms of the migraines are gone again. Dr Heffez also advised that he would try to help us get referred to the NS in Omaha that work w/ the same shunts that Cindy has.


Frank Bulk said...
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Frank Bulk said...

Not to make light of it, but perhaps he should have installed a zipper. =)