Wednesday, February 11, 2009

slowly improving

It is so good to be home! I decided that you know when you have been in the hospital too much when the nurses all know your name as you wheel onto the floor, where you are from, why you are there now and why you were there multiple times before, know how many kids I have, how old they are and ask about my husband by name. They reminded me as I left this time that they would love to have me stop on the neuro floor for a visit sometime, but it would be easier not to be there as a patient! They are very encouraging but also don't try to hide the reality of what I am dealing with.

I am still incredibly weak--I think each time I have a surgery it just is harder and harder to pick up. This time has definitely been more challenging then the last surgery 6 weeks ago. It isn't that I am sleepy tired but just feel so weary which makes it difficult to deal with very much. I have found that if I stand for too long my whole body begins to tremble--a good sign that I need to rest again.

I don't remember if I wrote this already, but I am pretty sure now that the lower abdominal pain is due to the shunt tubing. Medically the doctors don't seem to acknowledge it but I have found many have had similar issues, ended up in the ER for testing with no great answers. The tubing floats through my whole abdomen--it is actually pretty long and goes down to the lower abdomen then curls back half way up. I think it probably just bumps into things and causes pain.

The Lord has been faithful to our family. I am so incredibly blessed to have a husband that takes care of everything, sisters, niece & moms that cook, bake, clean, shop for me, care for my kids, and run me to the hospital or doctor appointments, a dad that encourages me when I am really down and a church family and friends that have faithfully brought us meals on and off for a couple years, prays for us and encourages us. When I get discouraged I am reminded of the Lord's care for us through you.

I am going to try to take a walk outside today now that the roads are clear of ice and it is relatively warm (33*). I am so afraid of falling--my head feels as fragile as an egg--but now that the roads are clear and it isn't as freezing cold that might be a step in the right direction. :)


Anonymous said...


One day at a time!!!

God Speed!


Anonymous said...

Hoping your rest is providing your body with the healing power it needs! I was listening to Joyce Meyer the other day and her whole show was about Jesus saying: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Try not to worry, just rest and heal and lean on God's word. Praying faithfully for your regained strength.
God bless~

Anonymous said...

Rest rest rest
prayers sent your way

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are improving. Praying for your continued recovery and good health.

Paula Ostrom