Friday, June 24, 2011


We know that the Lord always answers prayers. Sometimes it is a yes, sometimes a no and sometimes an answer of not now. Today we think that we may have a yes!!

This morning starting at 6:45 this morning, I had multiple tests, including a test that including injecting radioactive fluid into the tube going into my shunt. As the neurologist did that, I was laying under something that looked like an x-ray machine but was basically recording the movement of that fluid as it drained through the shunt and into my abdomen. We then met with the final doctor who actually does specialize in pseudotumor cerebri.

The diagnosis? Over draining. The clinical exams were discussed by the doctors and they agreed that my shunt is draining too much. Today the mri and the shunt test that I described verified what they had clinically determined. The result? We can come home!! The test that was to be in the hospital was much higher risk and because the clinical exams and testing came back in agreement, they decided that the risk was not necessary!

The shunt was adjusted today to release less fluid. They would like a few follow up visits that I will describe another time.

This afternoon, Kyle and I were really flabbergasted and not sure even how to feel! Could the answer truly have been as easy as we had guessed since this episode started? If Puumala would have adjusted the shunt as we asked, the last few months could have been normal!

On the other hand, we have answers that we would not have otherwise had. The doctor here feels that I probably have been over draining since Puumala put the shunt in the summer of '09. He set it appropriately for hydrocephalus but not for what I have. The ongoing frustrations of noise sensitivity, weakness, exertion induced headaches, etc., are all symptoms of over draining. They feel that those symptoms will disappear when my shunt setting is correct, which may take another adjustment or two.

We have been very impressed with Johns Hopkins. The doctor's are thorough and kind. The nurses and others have been super nice and helpful. Such a relief!

We will be here another day to be sure that I continue feeling okay. I am feeling much better than last night!!


Carmen said...

Praise the LORD for great news! It is such a relief to know that the problem may be easily corrected. Just keep in mind that if Puumala HAD adjusted the shunt, you may not have met what sounds like a great team of doctors and nurses who truly care about YOU and want to see you well! What seem to us like bumps in the road always prove to be for our good in the long run... God really DOES know what He's doing!! :) Praying for a good night and encouraging days ahead!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't beleive it. Just what you thought from a few months ago! What an blessing from God that you can already be heading home much sooner than expected. I hope the travels go well as it is a lot of miles. Will keep you and Kyle and family in our prayers

Wayne H.

Bethany's Blog said...

How encouraging! God does answer prayers- we do know that and you are both such a testimony to all those around you! You and Kyle were not the only ones flabbergasted :) We were suprised too when we were told you would be coming home! Praying for continued healing and strenght as you and Uncle Kyle head back home! We can't wait to see you home again and I'm sure your kids are just thrilled! Much love :)

Frank Bulk said...

Praise God that He has answered our prayers in a way that will bring relief. We look forward to your return -- safe travels.

Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD, all this time your insticts were correct but God knows what is best for us at all times and for some reason Puumala´s atitud was used so that you could experience a better care and now some wonderful relief. Praying for safe travels and hope to see you soon!
Cipa and the kids from Mexico

Dawn said...

Praying that this IS it!!! Yeah!! :D