Friday, May 27, 2011


My headache overall has not been as intense the last few days as I've had other days. It seems like I will have some hours in the day of higher intensity and then it will become more tolerable. I feel like even though the headache has been a bit more manageable, my ability to process things and handle stimulation is gradually becoming worse. It doesn't always make sense to me, or probably anyone else, but I can't look around much or have things that are moving around me. For example, I can't stand to have a ceiling fan on. Even if it is in my periferal vision the movement is intolerable. I drive very little and this morning after taking Kylie to the office I decided that I probably shouldn't do that anymore. It is hard to process everything necessary to drive.

If more than one person is talking or there is other noise, I struggle to process the conversation. However, I have been able to handle normal/soft voices a little better sometimes. Very strange things and it is driving me crazy!

Today is the last day of school. I used to look forward to the days of no school because I was able to spend more time with my kids. That is now more of a challenge, though, and I am concerned about how this is going to go.

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